You're Hot Then You're Cold Then You're Hot Again

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She buried her head further into my naked chest, sighing contently and wrapping her arms around my middle. I giggled. "Comfy?" I asked. She hummed in response and breathed in my scent.

I ran my hand through her hair and kissed her head. "When are you leaving?" I asked, the dread in my tone appearant. "No." She huffed and kissed my chest.

"No?" I lifted my head off the pillow slightly to give her a confused look even though her face was still laying on my chest.

"You ruined the moment." She lifted herself up and flopped down beside me onto the bed, huffing in annoyance.

"I'm sorry," I say softly, feeling rather empty without her in my arms now. She turns towards me, her face looking somewhat emotionless.

"It's just, this is the happiest I've been in a really long time. I guess I'm not ready for it to end." She sighs, her arms flopping down at her sides dramatically.

"Then we won't talk about it now. We've got more fun things to do anyways." I climb on top of her.

I take her wrists and pin them above her head. The look on her face was somewhere between lust and excitement. Her bottom lip was pulled between her perfect teeth and her eyes glimmered with want. I just wanted to tear her apart.

My lips met her smooth skin, starting at her jaw and moving down to her collarbones as my hands moved to massage her breasts. She gasped lightly, grinding her hips into mine.

I groaned, forcing her hips down. Her hands went to move my grip away but I pinned them to her sides. "Do I need to tie you down?" I growled.

"N-no, I'm sorry!" She whimpered, her thighs rubbing together in attempt to gain friction where she so desperately needed it.

My hand traveled downward slowly, teasingly. She shivered, anticipating my touch as I got closer to her heat.

"I have an idea," I smirked, removing my hand and getting up from the bed. She whined, all high pitched and needy. "I don't think I like this idea." She huffed, dramatically sighing and throwing her head back onto the bed. "I think you'll love it."

I came back to the bed a few seconds later with a tie and an ice cube tray in my hands. I hid the ice cube tray behind my back, careful to not let her see it.

"Close your eyes." I said softly, yet darkly. She hummed, letting her eyelids fall shut. "Good girl." I tied the tie around her soft features, making sure she couldn't see anything before moving to straddle her.

She looked so pretty underneath me. Her arms to her sides obediently, her lip between her teeth nervously, her thighs trembling as her own juices ran down them. Her hair was tangled and all over the place. She looked vulnerable, putting all of her trust into me that I wouldn't hurt her.

I pulled her panties down, letting them pool around her knees. Low enough so there was enough space for me to fit my hand between her legs but high enough that she couldn't open them any further.

My fingertips grew cold as I took one of the ice cubes into my hand. "Ready baby?" I asked sweetly. She inhaled sharply before nodding her head, mentally preparing herself for whatever it was I was planning on doing to her.

Without a second thought I touched the cold object to her skin, tracing her nipple.

She gasped, withering and squirming in attempt to get away from the coldness. Which proved to be useless, seeing as she had nowhere to go.

I could see her nipples get noticeably harder. Her nails clawed desperately at my arm. "Hands to yourself." I growled, her arm immediately returning to it's place beside her.

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