Lavender Scented Sex

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Back to Melanie's POV:

"So how did you explain last night's sudden disappearance?" I asked, throwing my jacket onto a nearby chair.

"I didn't really... I don't know. A lot happened." Kara flopped down onto the bed.

I frowned at her tired expression. "Come'ere" I said, holding out my arms.

She got up from the bed with an exaggerated groan and practically fell into my arms, nuzzling her head into the crook of my neck.

"You smell nice." She giggled, wrapping her arms around my shoulders and inhaling my scent. My fingers carded through her slightly tangled hair.

I placed a small kiss on her forehead and pulled away. "I think I know how to make you feel better," I kissed her cheek before detaching myself from her completely.

"I think I like where this is going." She smirked while kicking her shoes off.

"Go sit infront of the couch and take off your shirt and bra." I playfully pushed her in the direction of the couch before walking over to my bag and pulling out a bottle of lavender scented oil.

"Kinky," she joked, pulling her shirt over her head and plopping down infront of the couch.

My mouth went dry as she undid her bra, revealing her perfect chest. I awkwardly cleared my throat and rushed to sit behind her before she saw my blush.

I lathered my hands with oil and began rubbing the tension out of her shoulders. "Where'd you learn how to do this?" She asked, tilting her head to the side to give me more access to her neck.

"My mom was a massage therapist. I always thought it was such a unique art form. The way you just have the power to brighten someone's oura, to make them relaxed even for a second. I love it." I sighed fondly at the memory.

"That's sweet." She smiled. Or at least I think she did, I couldn't actually see her face. But I felt it in her voice.

I rubbed over a particularly sensitive place on her neck and she moaned. Not sexually, of course, but it still made my heart beat faster. I dug my thumbs into a knot on her lower neck causing her to moan again.

"Do that again." She begged, her hands twisting together in her lap. I obliged, adding pressure to that spot on her neck again. Her head fell forward and she moaned again. I smirked.

"Feel good?" I asked mockingly knowing that she was in a state of pleasure. "Mhm," she hummed.

My gaze fell to where her hands rested in her lap. I noticed that one hand was now descretely rubbing her panties under her pants and there was an evident wet spot.

I decided to see how far I could take this. My hands slid to her front, massaging her breasts. Her breath hitched and she let out what sounded like a whimper.

"What's wrong baby? Is it too much?" I teased while rubbing over her nipples. Her hand was in her panties now and she was lightly gasping for air.

"Oh none of that," I tsked, pulling her hand away. She groaned, throwing her head back in both protest and pleasure. "Fuck. Pl-please?" She whined.

I chuckled, momentarily freezing my movements and moving away slightly. "N-no!" She gave me a pleading look.

"Calm down baby. I'm just getting more situated." I explained, pulling my shirt over my head. She turned around and pushed me back onto the couch.

She climbed into my lap, immediately rutting her hips down onto my thigh. She was panting with desperation.

I held her hips, controling her motions. "M-more," she all but screamed. I figured I had teased her enough and let her hump my leg faster.

"Cum for me." I whisper in her ear. Seconds later she shuttered, letting out a high pitched moan. I kissed her neck as she came down from her high, being careful to not leave marks.

I decided to stop the chapter here because that's 666 words haha :)

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