𝐗𝐈𝐈𝐈. ᑭᗩᒪE GᑌY'ᔕ ᗩᑎᑎOYIᑎG

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HAHA, two or more updates in one day because I'm so restless and indecisive on when to post! Reminder that almost all of these chapters are prewritten and I am not writing any new chapters in this short editing process. Anyway, I won't have you read anymore of this,(if you even read it) and please enjoy the chapter!

~L M

Third Person POV...

[Name] trembles in anticipation as she protects their healer, Mimosa, from the continuous attacks from Pale Guy. Her wound is fine now, the skin healed with a small scar. Quickly, [Name] sends out a spell she copied from dear Captain Nozzle.

Mercury Magic: Silver Rain.

Countless droplets of mercury fall, but Pale Guy nimbly dodges them. Shit! [Name] hisses in annoyance. This guy has been dodging or blocking all of her attacks so far. So annoying.

"Yuno!" Glasses Guy, whose real name is still unknown to [Name], suddenly yells at his subordinate. "You head to the treasure chamber while I and Crimson Lions girl are fighting him!" Said girl was preparing to use one of her best spells.

Gathering the mana around her, she combines the magic types that she's copied.

Copy Compound Magic: Full Barrage.

She holds the raging little ball of magic in her hand before she throws it at Pale Guy. Preoccupied with Glasses Guy, he doesn't see the little ball of power until the last moment. What the hell- he curses before he is thrown back at the impact. He's unconscious before he hits the ground.

"All right!" [Name] cheers and throws her hands up. "I had no idea that would work! It didn't last time at least." Glasses Guy looks at her, bewildered.

"Are you saying a spell that powerful didn't work?!" He nearly shrieks. It was so powerful. And, she didn't use her own mana. He looks at [Name] with newfound respect. "If only she had chosen the Golden Dawn." Glasses Guy mumbles quietly. He slowly shakes his head. "Never mind that. Crimson Lions girl, tie him up."

[Name] rolls her eyes at his nickname for her. "My name is [Name]. Get it right, you snobby Glasses Man." Nonetheless, she listens and ties Pale Guy up, using Mercury Magic again.

Glasses Guy clenches his teeth before his eyes widen in realization. His purple orbs travel down to wear her armband used to be, before settling on her birthmark. He lets out a quiet gasp that goes unnoticed by [Name].

"So, how do we open this? It's made from mana," [Name] says as she walks to the trio.

Glasses Guy scoffs. "And how would you know that?"

[Name] deadpans. "I can see it, you snot-faced loser with an unnatural love to your weird masked captain." She smirks at the end of her sentence while Glasses Guy trembles in rage.

"My name is Klaus Lunette! At least try to get it right, you-" He pauses midsentence and turns away from her. "Forget it. Why don't you try? I hate to admit it, but you have the most power and control out of all of us." He sniffs in distaste.

[Name] shrugs in response. "Why not? It's a fun new challenge." She gathers her mana in her hand, attributeless and transparent to the Golden Dawn members around her. Yuno can feel it, however, and nods in encouragement.

Shooting out her hand, the amount of pure mana blew up the door, just as Asta, Noelle, and Smiling Guy came into the room. Noelle gasps for air as Asta yells and Luck laughs.

"WOOOOOAAAAAH!! YOU GUYS TOOK DOWN AN ENEMY TOO?!" Taking a deep breath, Asta points at himself. "I WON'T FALL BEHIND! YUNO, [N/N]!" [Name] reddens slightly. It has been years since Yuno or Asta had said that nickname.

In response to Asta's proclamation, Yuno nods before tugging on [Name]'s sleeve, blushing pink. "Let's go, [N/N]." Said girl blinks in response. If anything, she definitely expected it from Asta, but not from Yuno. Finally, she takes note of his pink cheeks. He should rest after this mission. He might be getting sick from overuse of his mana.

"Oh~ Remember Luck, we're fighting right after this mission is over!" [Name] cheers. Asta, Yuno, and Noelle sweatdrop at her attitude while Mimosa giggles.

"Stop socializing and help us secure the dungeon!" Glasses Guy, now Klaus, yells at them. Mimosa was standing behind him, smiling at Noelle who looked irked. [Name] rolls her eyes at Yuno's blue-haired senior.

"Alright," she drags the word out. "Let's get this over with and explore~!" She runs straight past Klaus and straight into the treasure, ignoring the yells and cheers of her companions. They all look around the room and Asta disappears somewhere.

Yuno grabs a scroll with gibberish written all over it and suddenly, a bright green light flashes through the air. Everyone is silent as Yuno stares at the now empty scroll. He looks around and flips it onto the back. It's blank there too. Huh..?

First Person POV...

I look away from Yuno, noticing that I can't hear Asta yelling. Wonder where he went? I wander the large treasure room in hopes of finding him. That problem child is always getting hurt when I'm not around.

Abruptly, I trip over a rock and am sent tumbling toward a hard wall. I hiss in mild discomfort before realizing. That wasn't a rock... My gaze travels up to see the 'wall'. And this most definitely is not a wall. Standing before the (h/c)-ette was a humongous tree growing on stone.

It is a beautifully colored tree. Almost like a painting. Some of the colors are golden going down to oranges, reds, and yellows. Others are silver, I see blue as well. But besides those, I see when that looks like stars on a dark night. It's the only one with those colors. The rest all have multiple.

I can't help but gaze at the leaf, saddened. It's the only one of its kind. Is it hated? Wait, what the hell?

I chuckle lowly. Leaves can't feel. But the mana coming off of this tree is amazing. It must have been soaking up the mana the dungeon secretes. I wonder how long it has been here? The leaves rustle, but there is no draft going through. The small noise creates a whisper. Forever.

Wait... What the hell, what was that?! I jump away from the tree that seems like a living entity. It's leaves rustle once more. Is it... chuckling? I fume. A tree is laughing at me. I've never felt so insulted. It beckons me closer as I edge away before I realize. It's not like it can move. And it's... trying to tell me something.

I hesitantly walk closer to it as I raise my (r/l)* hand. A fingertip away I pause, a hiss escaping my lips. I should've focused more! Pale Guy has awakened and thanks to my flimsy control, the mana returned to the dungeon.

*right or left hand(sorry if I hadn't done this before)

Just as I turn away, I feel a small zap against the fingertip closest to the tree. I look back to see...


A shiver rocks my body, and the shaking continues at my dominant hand.

I stare in wonder at the now empty space before I shake my head. I can't worry about this now. My friends are in danger.


Words: 1234

Published: September 28th, 2020


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