Ⅹ. 𝕋𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕎𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕄𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕠𝕝𝕖𝕠𝕟𝕒

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BEFORE YOU READ ON, can I just talk about my new hoodie? And thank you to the greatest big sister for this birthday gift

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BEFORE YOU READ ON, can I just talk about my new hoodie? And thank you to the greatest big sister for this birthday gift. Okay, I'm done now.

~L M

Days passed...

[Name]'s bare forearm tingles in the early morning sunlight. Ah... that's right. I took it off a few nights ago at Lady Vermillion's request. It does feel weird without it though. She looks down at her birthmark and the lighter skin surrounding it.

A hand, or paw, as she can feel, grabs [Name] by the head as she deadpans.

"Your captain promised me a week of training with you, so I will take it! Today, I will figure out or strengths and weaknesses, the extent of your willpower and many more things." Lady Mereoleona says excitedly.

[Name] sweatdrops. Over the past few days, she's gotten to know Lady Mereoleona and knows that 'promised' means 'forced' in her book.

She looks behind a grinning Mereoleona to see a Leopold hiding behind a pillar. "Help me out, Sir Leopold?" He looks away quickly and tries to run. It's futile, however, as Lady Mereoleona's paw catches him too.

"Now," she grins deviously. "It's time for training!"


"First, we will be testing your physical strength. Every good mage should have a good physical body. Now, drop and give me 10,000!" Mereoleona demands.

It was very easy for [Name] since she and Asta trained together all the time. Her lithe frame did little for her raging muscles. On the other hand, Leopold had to take several breaks in order to complete the 10,000. He was confused, as his older sister had never pushed him so hard before they'd met [Name].

Goddamnit, so this is partly her fault.

But when Leopold looks at her face, sheen with sweat, he can't help but think, How can I be mad at that (your choice of compliment) face?

"Now, 10,000 sit-ups!"


Far away, Fuegoleon shivers and sneezes. I shouldn't be coming down with anything...


It's evening by the time they make it to their final destination. Leopold and [Name] are exhausted and about ready to pass out any second. The repetitions of running, pushups, sit-ups, and swimming got to them both. They collapse before recoiling at the heat of the mountain.

"AGAJSIRHJEBWVUEIRJDHHX!!" Incoherent sounds could be heard from [Name] as she rolls on the ground. Mereoleona only laughs while Leopold groans in exhaustion and stays on the ground, regardless of the unforgiving heat.

"C'mon, now! If you make it to the top on time, you'll be able to go to the hot springs. And, I'll give a reward for whoever makes it first." And with that, Mereoleona is off, leaving the two to their own devices.

There's a thin skin of mana around her... [Name] looks at her senior. Does he know?
"Well, I guess I'll see you at the top, Sir Leopold!"

She flies off using the same technique as Mereoleona, leaving a confused Leopold behind her.



[Name] flies away using her mana skin dodging rocks and monsters attempting to squash her. Mereoleona looks at her progress approvingly while Leopold looks like he's just getting it.

He might need some more training, but [Name] is just fine. It's obvious she's conditioned her body and her magic control is amazing. She can go for hours without stopping while any ordinary mage would need a few minutes at least.

She's very powerful for a girl at her age. Mereoleona smiles at her thoughts. It's to be expected from the daughter of [M/N].

"What's next, Lady Mereoleona?" Said lady looks behind her to see [Name], sweaty and tired. How did she mask her presence so well?

"Now, we just wait for Leopold. Ah, never mind. He's already here." Mereoleona walks to her younger brother who is shaking from exhaustion. Out of nowhere, she karate chops his head.

"Ouchy. What was that for?" A teary-eyed Leopold asks.

Oh my gosh, that's adorable! Thinks a blushing [Name].

"You were too slow. How do you expect to become Wizard King with this speed? Even [Name] was faster than you, despite this being her first time." Mereoleona reprimands Leopold.

"You're right," Leopold says shakily. "Which is why I'll do this 100 times more!"

"Better make it 1,000 if you want to catch up."

"Yes sir!"

"Pardon the interruption, Lady Mereoleona, Sir Leopold, but what's happening?" The vermillion-haired siblings turn to see the hot springs bubbling.

"This is your reward!" Announces Mereoleona. "We're taking a bath here. [Name], have you copied some Earth Magic?" She sends a pointed glare at Leopold.

[Name] hums. "Yup! I copied it from the lady behind Captain Charlotte. She was pretty powerful. Though, not as powerful as me. Holding out her hand, she casts the spell. Copy Magic: Divided Mother Earth. A giant wall divides the water in half.

"[Name] and I will take the right. You take the left." Mereoleona states as she and [Name] walk over to their sides.

Mereoleona's POV...

[Name] plays in the water now. I chuckle. Despite being fifteen, she's still pretty childish. I smile fondly at the girl. I'm wouldn't have it any other way.

I look up to the stars. Isn't that right, (M/N)? Your daughter is as beautiful as you were, her magic is powerful. I know you didn't get to stay with her long, but I'd like to believe that you raised her the right way.

Guide her, (M/N). Guide them. I have a bad feeling. And with your son with him... I place a hand over my face. I'm worried. 

I wish you were here to see them. 

By now, my smile is gone as I look to the heavens.

Short skit: What happened on Leopold's side...


He soon passes out from blood loss.

"Lady Mereoleona? There's blood seeping from somewhere. Are you injured?

"That punk!" Damn these hormonal teenagers.


A/N: This is the end of Arc 1. Thank you for reading this!

Words: 1058

Published: September 22nd, 2020

Edited: 21 mar 2022

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