Bonus Chapter : Wedding Scene

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Everly's Pov

" Rise and shine bitches! We got a shit load of stuff to do before - woa, what the hell happened to you?"

I just love waking up to Stella's positive attitude. It really helps liften the mood when you are hungover.


I crack open one eye just to glare at Stella. She's already dressed in her bridesmaid dress. The wedding doesn't start until 4. There is no way she's going to keep that dress on for that long and not have something spilled on it. Although she won't admit it, I know she was excited to get dressed up in her little bridesmaid dress.

My tongue licks over my chapped lips as I look around the mess I like to call my room. Champagne and wine bottles litter my bedroom floor along with pizza boxes.

Why did I agree on having this sleepover with Alexa the night before my wedding?

Speaking of Alexa, I look down at my sister who looks even worse than I do at the moment. She's still sleeping peacefully. How did she not wake up from Stella's loud voice?

I'm just glad mom offered to watch over Chicka so that I don't have to worry about her when getting my beauty sleep for the wedding. That plan vanished as soon as Alexa stepped foot into the house and chased Liam away along with Luke. It was kind of funny to see Alexa kick Liam out of his own house.

I can't believe I'm getting married today. Me, Everly Admas, marrying Liam Wells. Who would've thought that we would last this long with each other? I'm still surprised he hasn't packed his bags and left. I would have if I had to date myself, nevertheless be engaged to myself. I was an absolute bitch when it came to planning this wedding. I didn't want a fancy wedding planner to do all the work, no I wanted to do it the old fashioned way and handle it on my own. It was easier said than done. With Liam opening the night club, a 3 year old daughter and my studies, it was a lot to juggle at once. Nonetheless I had a lot of help from mom, Alexa and even Stella when she wasn't off hunting bounties. It's better to not ask about Stella's life decisions.

I stretch out my arm and use it to shake Alexa awake.

" Can't you get married tomorrow?" Alexa whines.

" You guys partied without me?" Stella sounds as if she's about to cry.

It wasn't like I planned to get wasted before my wedding day and decided on not inviting Stella to join the party. According to me, she and Ryan were celebrating their anniversary or something like that.

" It was in the spur of the moment kind of thing." I try and defend myself before Stella goes all ape shit on me.

Stella shakes her head in disappointment before walking over to the curtains and opening it up. I whine as the sunlight burns my eyes but that doesn't stop Stella from pulling off the duvet that was keeping me warm.

"Lift your ass. It's 10 am. We need to get started." Stella demands as she pulls Alexa by the wrist and out of the bed.

" Wait, it's 10 am?" I question as I look over to the digital clock on my bedside table. My eyes grow wide when I notice it's just past 10 am.

" Shit!" I curse as I flop out of bed and head over to the bathroom that is attached to the bedroom. On my way over I trip over a wine bottle and come crashing down on the floor.

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