Mission Impossible ✔️

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Everly's Pov

" And that's how I ended up taking Xavier's place." Rose finishes her story.

She killed Liam's dad?

She had an affair with Xavier? Gross.

I look over at Stella. I don't really know what to expect from her after hearing her mother's confession.

Her face doesn't show any emotion. She sits back and takes slow and steady breaths as she closes her eyes. This must be a lot to take in at once. Finding out your own mother killed her husband, your dad, and then framed your brother for his murder all because she was romantically involved with said husband's brother, aka your uncle. I can feel that tuna sandwich from earlier come up. I thought my family was messed up. Poor Liam. He's probably going out of his mind right now.

" Now we just have to wait for poor Liam to come save his precious girlfriend and his beloved twin sister." Rose pouts.

What I would give to just break her nose or something. Damn this woman is getting on my nerves. I'll probably need to sign up for anger management therapy after this. How the hell did Liam and Stella survive with her that long?

Stella continues to stay quiet. This isn't like her. She always has something to say. Damn it Stella you making me stressed. She just found out her mother is a physcopath, give the girl some slack my conscience scolds me.

" You are not going to say anything sweetie?" Rose asks Stella as she comes to stand in front of Stella.

Stella exhales dramatically and rolls her eyes.

" I don't like your attitude young lady." Rose scolds. Seriously, she's still pulling through with those motherly lines?

" Gee I wonder where I got it from." Stella smiles. If looks could kill Rose would definitely be 6 feet under.

I don't even have time to blink before Rose reaches into her pocket and before I could register what's happening she takes out a pocket knife and stabs Stella in her upper thigh.

Stella's screams a line of curse words as a part of her dark washed out jeans become darker from the blood. I'm left speachless.

"Careful with your words." Rose warns.

Stella is about to say something when she is interrupted by the door opening.

" Miss we have some new information." Mitch speaks up behind me. I release a breath I didn't even know I was holding. I don't even want to think about what would've happened if Stella opened her mouth again.

Rose stands up to her full length and glares at Stella as she leaves the room with only Stella and I left.

" Stella." her name comes out a whisper. She turns her head towards me and frowns.

" Everly please for the love of my sanity, don't cry now. You need to be strong." she says breathlessly. The knife is no longer in her thigh but the darkened part seems to increase as the blood still comes out.

I feel so helpless sitting here and watching her in so much pain. I may not have the best relationship with Stella but she was there for me in the most difficult time of my life. She helped me with my pregnancy and helped keep me safe. She even killed that flight attendant that threatend to kill me. I owe my life to her and yet I'm sitting here and I can't do a damn thing to help her.

Long Story Short, The Condom Broke ✔️Where stories live. Discover now