I'm Loving It ✔️

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Everly's pov

A wise old man once said that only what you allow will continue and by a wise old man I mean Google.

My long time memory ain't that great to remeber who said what. That's why there is such thing as my lovely friend, Google.

Taking Google's wise word into consideration is exactly why I'm running away. I won't allow, forcing myself into people's life who clearly don't want me there, to continue. I feel bad for leaving Liam but hearing Chase say all those hurtful words about me really hit a nerve. And what better way to deal with my emotions than running away?

It's been 2 hours since I drove away from Liam's safe house. I don't know where I am but it's better than being in a house where you constantly feel unwanted. I'm an independent woman or in Liam's opinion, stubborn as hell. I guess the latter is more accurate than the first one.

I know what you are thinking. I'm putting myself in more danger by running away. Fear has a way to control your mind once it's the main focus. The fear of my own life and my child's life is what's blinding me as I drive further and further away from problaby the safest place for me now.

Feeling my tummy getting ready to rip something important out, I stop by the first McDonald's that comes into view. Having no money on me what so ever I rummage through Liam's car for spare change. I'll pay him back later, maybe. Finally done with my money hunt, I order a large burger with extra large fries and a large strawberry milkshake.

What can I say? I'm loving it. Hah - you get it because I'm eating- oh never mind.

I hear my phone buzz again and Liam's face pops up. Looking down at the picture I remeber the day when I took the photo.

It was lunch time at school and I had an off day. Liam being Liam and always wanting to cheer me up made a deal with me that if he can fit 20 chicken nuggets in his mouth then I'll have to give him a foot massage. Not really believing that he could fit 20 nuggets inside his mouth, I agreed. I really wish I hadn't. Liam easily propped 20 nuggets inside his mouth and managed a smile in the process. I quickly snapped a picture of him with his mouth stuffed, much to his dismay. I instantly saved it as his display picture afterwards.

Thinking back on the good times we had together makes me happy, but also a little sad. I've caused him so much trouble from the start. His friends have never been too fond of me. People at school have even been giving us weird looks. He has trouble with his inner circle and most of all, his safety is in danger because of me.

I know what you are thinking, no Everly it's not your fault he decided to be friends with you. But it is. If only I was harder on him, like I am with most people. This never would have happened. He would've realized what a boring person I really am and he would've just left.

But oh no, Everly and her fragile heart just had to get involved.

I dig for another chip but I only grab air. Looking down I find nothing but an empty box. Perfect. My life is a mess and now my fries are finished.

" You really need to stop frowning. It's not good for your facial features."

Nearly re-appearing the fries from the box, I look to my left to find a smirking Liam.

" H-how?"

" The car has a tracker love." he says almost bored by my surprised reaction.

Damn it. Why didn't I think about the possibility of his car having a tracker? Not my smartest move.

Liam opens the car door and stands to the side waiting for me to get out.

" Come on, get out. "

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