Never Alone ✔️

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Everly's Pov

Well the trip to Hamptons didn't last long. As soon as we got back to the house Liam rushed us all off to the car. Poor mom had no idea what was going on and I didn't know how to explain it to her. It's becoming more difficult for me to keep up with all the secrets. All that I knew was that we needed to leave immediately. Liam's house back in NYC at least offers more security.

It felt like hours before we stopped in front of Liam's house. Liam ordered us all to go to his house and that included mom. Of course mom was too scared to reject and just followed me into Liam's house. In all of this madness I still took a moment to gawk at Liam's house. I have been here a few times but every time it still leaves me breathless.

" Everly I think now is the time you explain what the hell is going on here." mom says after Liam leaves the room with the rest of the people that escorted us here.

I can't hide the truth anymore. Mom is already involved as it is and she doesn't even know what she is involved in. But how do I tell my mother that I'm dating the leader of a gang and that his uncle tried to kill me throughout my pregnancy because he wanted to hurt Liam? How do I tell the woman that gave birth to me that I took another man's life?

And I do exactly that. I tell her everything. From when I met Liam to how he took me to England and left me there to how I ended up in the middle of a gun fight and killed someone. I told her everything.

I look up at mom for the first time since I started talking. She's pale. She takes a few steps back and sits on the sofa behind her. Her hand reaches out for her chest as she struggles to breath. I don't blame her. It's a lot to take in.

" Mom please say something." I struggle to get out the words as I take a step closer to her. She stretches out her hand to make me stop.

I can literally see the hurt in her eyes. I'm not to sure what she is more upset about. Me still dating Liam or me killing someone.

" That's why you have been getting those nightmares isn't it?" is the first thing she asks.

I nod my head. I look over to Chicka that is sleeping in her stroller and blink away a tear.

Mom stands up and embraces me in a hug. I tense up. I'm not used to this kind of affection from her. It takes me a few seconds before I hug her back. The hug makes me feel at home. I haven't been feeling at home ever since I got kicked out. It's nice.

" I'm so sorry this happened to you sweetie." mom says taking my face into her hands as she kisses me on the top of my head.

" I just wish you had told me sooner so that I could've helped you or console you or just do something in stead of sitting on the sidelines. " she continues.

I wipe away another tear. Gosh I'm getting so emotional right now. I just thought this whole thing was over. I never wanted to let my mom into this side of reality. I'm just glad things didn't change between us.

" Even if I told you sooner there still wouldn't be something you could have done. I'm just glad you didn't get hurt through the whole thing." I say.

Mom and I share a few words and I tell her about the first few weeks with Liam. How he shared his chicken nuggets with me and bribed me with a few so that I would go to a party with him. Mom laughed a few times but I saw her wipe a tear when I told her about Blake and how he betrayed me. She had a few things to say that I'd rather not repeat but at the end I felt more at ease knowing that I don't have to lie to her anymore.

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