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Everly's Pov

5 years later

" Everly! She's doing it again!"

Looking up from my laptop I roll my eyes at Liam's loud voice this early in the morning. He's always been an early bird but that doesn't mean he has to wake up the entire house just because he's awake. He might be turning 23 in a few weeks but he definitely has the mindset of a 5 year old. Speaking of 5 year olds...

" I'm on my way!" I yell in reply.

I exit the dating app I've been trying to sign mom up for. Since James left to go back to his family in Canada, mom hasn't been the same. They started dating a few years ago but things quickly ended when James decided to move back to his homeland. Of course he wanted mom to tag along but she didn't want to abandon me. Even though I no longer live in the same state as she does. Liam and I moved to Boston roughly around 3 years ago. It's only a 3 hour drive from mom so at least we aren't hours away. Mom still decided that it was better for her to stay close to her kids. Speaking of her kids, Alexa and Luke have moved back to New York since their honeymoon in Europe had ended. Mom couldn't be happier to have her eldest daughter live close by.

I step into my fluffy bunny slippers and walk over to where Liam was calling for help. Once I enter Chicka's room I see her sulking in the corner while Liam is trying to put on her shoes.

" You have to put on your shoes Chicka." Liam argues with the 5 year old sitting in the corner of her room.

" My name is Caroline!" she yells.

Oh no. It's one of those days again. Why does it have to be today? I quickly curse the universe under my breath and walk over to the two of them.

" What's going on with the two of you?" I snort, trying to hold in my laugh.

I can't help but laugh at the sight in front of me. Liam, a full grown adult with a short temper, arguing with a 5 year old who also has a short temper. The two of them tend to lash out on each other at times but nevertheless that they still have an unbreakable bond. I sometimes feel like I'm thrid wheeling between my daughter and husband. Chicka is definitely a daddy's girl.

" Babe, why aren't you dressed yet? The party starts in an hour." Liam asks in a defeated tone once his eyes land on me. I look down at my Teen Titans pjama set an shrug as a response.

" Do I have to do everything around here?" I hear Liam mutter to himself under his breath.

I chuckle at his comment because it's slightly true. Liam does the cooking, obviously since I still can't make scrambled egs. He tried teaching me for a few months, even signed me up for a cooking class but nothing came out of it. Since Liam is the early bird he's always up and ready to get Chicka ready for school. He loves making her cute little lunches and helping her pick out different shades of pink dresses to wear for school. She's obsessed with the color pink and sparkly unicorns. I like unicorns too if I'm being honest so I don't complain.

Liam leaves most of the cleaning for me and Mary, our help. I don't like to refer to Mary as our help because she's become such a big part of this family. Heck, she even has her own room in our house. We love her dearly and like to help out whenever we have time. Seeing as Liam has more free time on his hands he usually spends his free time playing with Chicka. He really does help out a lot not because he has too but because he wants too.

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