Cold Hearted ✔️

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Liam's Pov

I stare back at the woman sitting next to me. Her face still holds the same smiling expression she has been holding up since she got here. First sign of her being crazier than I thought.

She wants revenge over Xavier? Xavier of all people. I try not to show how disgusted I am thinking about the love affair the two of them had. God knows how long that has been going on. It's sickening to be honest. My own mother with my uncle. Definitely not a pretty image.

And here she was asking about Stella's love life. We know now where Stella got her whoring genes from. Is that even a thing? Well I just made it a thing.

" You seem to be shocked?" she questions.

Well maybe it's because I just found out my own mother was whoring around with my uncle and then helped him kill her own husband. Or maybe it's the fact that I have been sitting in prison, nearly making it out alive for months because I was blamed for murder when she was the one who was responsible. Or maybe it's because I lost everything in a matter of months. My mother, my father, my family who still believes to this day that I'm a murderer. My childhood home, most of my friends and most likely my sanity. All for a fucking love affair.

" You make me sick." I spit out.

Mother just shakes her head but still manages to smile. I really wonder what had gone wrong for her to be like this right now? Was she not happy with with my father? Was she bored with her simple life? Or was she just looking for a little fun on the sidelines? Doesn't matter what went wrong. It still messed everything up.

I'm about to stand up and leave because the rage inside me is threatening to take over. I'm quickly stopped when I hear a phone starting to ring.

" Oh goody." My mother says full of excitement as she reaches for her phone.

I guess curiosity made me sit down again. What is this bitch up to? I know she's after revenge but does she have the same techniques as Xavier? He was ruthless and cold hearted. The more I think about it the more I describe my mother. Colder than a winters night.

" You have her?" I hear my mother ask as her face lightens up.

Who has who?

" Oh I'm sure he'd like to speak to her." my mother says as she hands me the phone.

I take the phone hesitantly looking at the ID caller and then pressing the phone to my ear.

" Liam speaking." I sigh not really sure on what to say.

I hear mufled sounds in the background and a few things crashing. I'm about to pull the phone away from my ear when I hear a familiar voice.

" Liam." Everly sobs into the phone.

Once again, for the hundredth time today my blood runs cold.

" Everly what's wrong. Where are you? Fuck if anyone hurts you I will-" I start ranting but the call disconnects.

I take long and steady breaths as I throw the phone into the ground. I turn to face my mother but she's not sitting next to me anymore. I swear she's like a ninja or something.

Long Story Short, The Condom Broke ✔️Where stories live. Discover now