What The Hell Did I Get Myself Into? ✔️

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Everly's Pov

I stood frozen on the spot.

Shocked? Yes.

Pissed off? Hell yeah.

Hurt? So fucking hurt.

I don't know who this person is in front of me. Violence has always been apart of his life but torturing people to get something out of it is way beyond my dislike.

I look down at the girl with the knife held against her throat. She looks so scared. Shivering and clinging onto her stomach for dear life.

Wait a minute. My eyes catch the bump immediately.

Oh hell no.

" SHE'S FUCKING PREGNANT?!" I yell even louder. I feel the tears welm up and threaten to leave.

Liam doesn't utter a word. I look over to Ryan and Lucas that share the same expression as Liam. Yeah didn't think they'd see me walk in on this madness.


I'm still surprised none of them have said a word. Even the men in the room look startled.

" ANSWER ME FOR GOD'S SAKE!" I'm ready to rip someone's head off.

I don't care who this girl is or what she has done but the baby inside of her is innocent. I know how stress can affect an unborn baby and hell does she look stressed out.

" Everly calm down. " Liam says while slowly walking forward.

Now let me tell you this. I haven't had a good night's rest in a long time. I'm over emotional and I just had a long ass flight. Do you think that telling me to calm the fuck down is the right thing to say?

Before I could continue shouting the girl speaks up.

" Hold up. Who's this girl?" she bluntly asks.

What the what.

" This is Everly. The one I had to send away for her protection." Liam immediately replies while handing the knife to one of his men.

The girl's face lifts up in realization. Did I miss something? Well you have been away for a few months dumbass. And now I'm talking to myself.

Maybe this is just a dream?

" I'm Leila. Liam's cousin." she introduces herself.

No, definitely not a dream. I clearly missed something.

" Wait... What?" I'm so confused about everything right now.

Liam comes to a stop right in front of me. He's about to pull me into a bone crushing hug but I immediately back away.

" Don't touch me." I growl.

Liam looks surprised. Yeah well he missed a lot of things as well.

" Explain." I continue.

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