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"You really need to stay like that until I get back." Valerie ordered, a small smirk on her face.

"You are getting back at me, aren't you?" River narrowed her eyes at her.

The two nurses and her doctor, Dr. Jamie Dewells had left and her intern had come over to do the basic check-up. And she was enjoying every moment of it.

River was lying on her stomach, a few pillows under her to keep her spine straight. Jamie had decided it was the best position to assure minimal damage on both her injuries.

"Well, you know you deserve it."

River rolled her eyes, smirking at the poor girl's fate; she will be moving on to the next doctor soon and then she would come to know of her value.

"Well, it's just what's done." River chuckled.

"Just because it's what's done doesn't mean it's what's should be done."

River raised a brow at her.

"Bold of you to think that I haven't watched Cinderella."

"You have?"

"I have a five-year-old daughter who is obsessed with anything to do with sparkly things and tiaras." River explained.

Also, the mother of the said five-year-old herself is obsessed with all things Disney.

Valerie laughed as she set the clipboard down and took a seat.

"Honestly, Disney has evolved so much. I prefer the live-action over the animated because-"

"They met before the ball and hence it's not the superficial love showcased in the original." She finished for her.

She nodded in agreement.

"And the solutions to every problem isn't true love's kiss anymore." She added and River completely agreed.

"Growing up, I liked Barbie not because of the feministic side to the whole thing, but you know, it made sense. Girl or boy, follow your dreams and take action."


River suddenly chuckled. "Look at us doctors, discussing away cartoon evolution."

She laughed again.

"Wait, where are my kids? They must be worried sick."

"They are here?"

"Just outside-" Before she could finish, the door was pushed open, Susan and Mateo walking in. Valerie jumped to her feet and looked like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Where are the kids?" River asked her mother.

"Went home with Sebby. The doctor said you can come home by tomorrow evening."

"I am so sorry we got lost in talks and-" Valerie started but Susan just patted her arm and smiled at her. "Thank you for taking care of my daughter."

"Just doing my job as her intern and friend." Valerie smiled. She had a really gorgeous smile.

"This is Mateo." River pointed at Mateo who was lingering around the door. Susan had moved to the foot of the bed or other side of the room or something so she couldn't see her anymore from her lying position.

"Hello, Mr. Adesso." She greeted him and turned back to her senior. "I should get going."

"Byee.." River sang as she walked out, waving.

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