38. So Far So Good

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"How was your day, little people?" Mateo asked as River scooped more pasta into Kiara's plate.

"We had so much fun, Mr. Adesso." Lucas gushed. "Mommy rode the big black horse."

Mateo raised a brow. "Dante?"

She nodded and then narrowed her eyes as Kiara brought the peas she picked out of her food to her mother's face. "Here comes the airplane!"

River raised a brow and stared at her, waiting for her to get the message that this trick of her which she used on Mrs. Marley was definitely not going to work on her because unlike her dear housekeeper, River was immune to cuteness when she needed to be.

But obviously, Kiara WAS River's daughter and her stubbornness and sassiness were amplified manifold in that midget.

"Just look at yourself in the mirror, Mommy. You are so thin. Even GG had asked me to make sure that you eat. When we were out today, I thought you were going to blow away with the wind. Eat veggies."

Mateo, Lucas and Mateo laughed while River narrowed her eyes at her daughter who was giving her the Kiara special cheeky grin.

"Alright young lady, no games. Eat your own vegetables." Mateo said in a fake serious tone, a playful sparkle in his eyes. Kiara stared at him for a few minutes, looking scared before she frantically nodded and shoveled in the veggies she had set aside into her mouth without any complaint.

River's smile dropped instantly. She looked over at Mateo; he was staring at their daughter, hurt.

It wasn't time to drop the bomb yet.

His eyes met her and she smiled at him reassuringly. Kiara was going to warm up to him soon enough.

"Mommy, can we make more lemon cookies tomorrow?" Lucas asked. "We didn't bring the ones we made for you."

Kiara looked up immediately, her eyes twinkling. She took after her mother when it came to the cookies. Both of the children did. All three of them were obsessed with the special lemon cookies that Lilith Johnson had invented.

"Yes!" She clapped.

"Yeah, I was craving them when I was in the hospital." River grinned but then pretended to be disappointed. "But then my kids ate it all without leaving me any."

"IT WAS NANNA!!!" Lucas protested.

"Nanna was just making sure you had fresh and yummy cookies to eat." Kiara narrowed her eyes at her brother.

"Was not." Lucas muttered and turned to Mateo. "Where do we buy her a new brain?"

"Mommy!" Kiara whined.

"Lukey, stop being mean."

"She's stupid." He whined and then corrected. "Not stupid, but too naïve."

River completely agreed with him on that one but Kiara was ready to burst into tears.

"And it's good." River said to pacify her daughter.

"No, it's not. Mr. Adesso, tell her!" River eyed the Papa of her children, daring him to support their son.

"Lucas, don't be mean to your sister." Mateo said.

River smiled smugly at her grumpy son.

"How old are you?" Mateo gave him a look.

She pouted and looked away to see Adam enjoying the drama with a small smile on his face.

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