109. Can't Wait!

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"You know sex is not the answer to this, right?" Adam sighed, holding Alessia by the shoulders and pushing her back a little so that he could get a look of her face.

Alessia was acting pretty irrationally.

Ever since the day of the kidnapping, the guilt just kept eating away at her to the point that she was not able to think straight.

One would think that an assassin like Alessia would be immune to such emotions. But the ones in question were her nephew and niece, who were only five years old, and the woman just could not take it.

"I have no idea what you are talking about." She said, her words slurring a little.

Adam sighed again - and she was drunk.

"Come on Sia, let's go to the range and blast some heads." He said, dragging her with him. "You will feel much better after that."

"I don't think anything less than the head of the assholes who kidnapped my babies will be able to make me feel better." She slurred in Italian.

"Um... Care to translate for the poor secret boyfriend?" Adam asked, cringing at the fact that he had just addressed himself as the 'secret boyfriend'. He just hoped that Alessia didn't remember any of it after she revived and all of this bullshit was over.

"I SAID THAT I DON'T FUCKING THINK THAT ANYTHING LESS THAN THE FUCKING HEADS OF THE FUCKING ASSHOLES WHO KIDNAPPED MY DARLING LITTLE BABIES WILL BE ABLE TO MAKE ME FEEL BETTER!" She yelled in his ears, making him flinch and want to pull away, but the woman had his head in a kind of headlock and so he had to bear with the torture.

"God, you are a handful!" Adam exclaimed.

"Should have thought about that before getting inside my pants." She groaned, clutching her head as they reached the basement of the house, which Adam had converted into a shooting range because why not?

"Should I remind you that you were the one who threw yourself at me?" Adam rolled his eyes as they reached one of the booths. "And threatened to castrate me if I didn't play along?"

Alessia narrowed her eyes at him and then let out a huff before turning to the wall onto which a hundred varieties of guns. She went for a sniper rifle, didn't care which model - Alessia could do with any gun. She was one of the best shots in the Mafia, if not the best shot in the Mafia. And it was something that she was extremely proud of. She had completely turned her life around. From a victim of domestic violence and rape, she had turned into an assassin.

But she still hadn't killed off the last of her rapist, her abuser, her husband.

The truth was that, she had thought that her father or brothers would do that for her.

Take revenge for what she had gone through.

And she was waiting to this day, after years.

But they hadn't done anything. Yes, they got mad and pointed guns at Antonio but they never pulled the trigger. Why? Because he was a useful piece of shit. And the Mafia business mattered more than her, right? And of course there was her grandmother, who still treated that vermin like some golden human.

Alessia looked over at Adam, who was leaning against the booth with his hands folded, his head tilted upward as he thought of something - probably about what else they could probably do to find the children.

A smirk formed on her face.

Maybe it was time she stopped waiting for her useless father and brothers to do the deed for her.

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