92. Asleep Already?

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Leonardo, Adam and Mateo walked in to the aroma of chicken, baked vegetables and cake.

"Is there a feast today?" Adam was the first to reach the kitchen.

"Yes!" Lucas and Kiara exclaimed in unison from their seats on the counter where they were busy helping Michelia decorate the cake. Lorenzo was in a sling and River and Jacqueline had ordered the new mother and the kids to stay far far away from the stove and the oven.

"Ugh I missed your cooking." Adam gave River a side hug.

"Hands off." Mateo mumbled, his eyes narrowed.

River rolled her eyes while Adam playfully threw his hands up in the air and stepped away from his best friend's wife.

River turned around to face her boyfriend as he approached her, wrapping his arms around her waist and placing a kiss on the junction between her eyebrows.

"Papa, we are here too." Kiara scowled.

"We want kissies too, Papa." Lucas joined in as the adults laughed, Michelia in Leonardo's arms.

"Exactly Papa, how can you be so biased?" River gave him a disapproving look while Mateo rolled his eyes.

"Alright I am sorry my bambini." He walked over to his children and picked them up, one on each arm, and spun around making them squeal. "I missed you two so much today." He placed a kiss on each of their cheeks.

"Any news about Alessia?" River stepped closer to Adam and whispered. He let out a deep sigh. "Nope." River squeezed his shoulder and turned back to her work. He didn't show it but River knew that Adam was deeply affected by Alessia being missing. She was always shipping those two and she knew that though they have not confessed, both of them felt something for one another. River had decided that she would go full on cupid on the two of them when Alessia got back.

And yes, she was very much sure that Alessia will be back. It was not that easy to hurt that tigress.

"So what do we owe this amazing feast to?" Leonardo asked.

"Jacqueline's visit." Michelia smiled. "Apparently these two ex-roommates are used to making great feasts together."

"That we are." River walked over to her best friend.

"Aunt Jackie makes the best puddings." Kiara put in.

"That she does." River said while Lucas also nodded.

"Maybe I should learn to cook too."

"Not now." Every single adult in the room said, making Michelia roll her eyes while the kids got back to what they were doing, not really interested in their discussion anymore.

"Where are the puppies?" Mateo got back to his girlfriend, clinging on to her and taking her scent in while he can because as he saw it, it was unstable times and no one could say what would happen in the next moment.

"Being puppies." River said endearingly. Obviously, the three had become her children. Now she was the mother of six children – two human babies, three canine babies and one manchild. "The kids got back from school and proceeded to tire them out so now they are fast asleep upstairs."

"I wanna tire you out." He whispered in her ear. As aroused as that made her, River got out of his hold and rolled her eyes at him, turning to Adam. "Can you take your best friend away from here? We have work to do."

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