30. Uh Oh

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"Careful.." Susan was hovering over her daughter, afraid that she might drop the baby.

"Mom, I am fine." River rolled her eyes. "There's no problem with my hand- brain coordination."

Michelia chuckled, tugging a loose strand of her gorgeous auburn hair behind her ear. The same hair her gorgeous little son had inherited.

"No matter how much they grow, they are still babies to you." Susan told Michelia, brushing River's hair while Michelia nodded.

"We are all mothers here." She said, her Italian accent was super thick and super gorgeous. Everything about this woman screamed gorgeous. Leonardo was one lucky man. "You have twins, right?"

"The most gorgeous pair." River smiled, giving the sleeping baby back to his mother.

"Should you be walking around?" She asked.

"No." Susan replied giving River a disapproving look.

"Your vertebral column and spinal cord is most erect while standing upright-"

"I don't want to hear it, surgeon." The lawyer threw her hands up and took a seat while Michelia laughed.

"Where's your husband?" River asked, still standing because she missed it. She was used to spending most part of her day standing so she had gotten habituated to it.

"Downstairs. The cafeteria got some sick croissants." Her face instantly lit up. "Though it's taking him so long."

The three women sat there and talked, though it was mostly Susan instructing her on baby care with a few inputs from River from her own experience. They had learnt that Susan's mother died when she was young so she had said that she could use all the advice she could get.

"Don't talk to kids in baby language." Susan said. "I made that mistake and this girl didn't start forming basic sentences till she was almost four."

River narrowed her eyes at her. Why was she looking at her like it was her fault?

"Luckily, I didn't make that mistake." River said, a smug smile on her face. "Though Nanna taught Lukey some heavy words."

"Oh right, what are their names?"

"Lucas and Kiara. Lucas is six minutes older than Kiara." She smiled. They were the lub and dub of her heart.

"Aww.. The protective big brother."


"Michelia, the results came back-" Leonardo barged in with a bright smile but he stopped the sentence midway when he saw the Johnsons.

"Hey Doc." He took a deep breath and regained his composure.

She raised a brow and smiled. "I think we should leave."

"No, stay!" Michelia whined. "Spending time with this boring human is a torture like no other."

Leonardo looked thoroughly offended while Susan and River laughed. Nevertheless they left the couple alone with their son.

"You!" Valerie approached the women as soon as they walked out of Michelia's room.

"Uh oh." River muttered.

"Why can't you stay in your bed like a good patient?" She asked. "Practice what you preach."

"Yeah yeah." She laughed. "Let's go."

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