52. You Guys Are Related?

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"The doctor may leave the hospital but the hospital doesn't leave the doctor."

"Shut up!" Mateo rolled his eyes as he lifted her off the seat and carried her bridal style. River was enjoying the ride when it hit her. "Mateo, what are you doing? Your wound!!"

"It's healing just fine." He grunted out. Of course, it wasn't.

"Let me down." She growled.

"Nope." He said stubbornly.

"Let me down or the Italy trip is cancelled." She said, giving him a smirk.

Mateo let out an exasperated sigh before he placed her down while she gave him her victorious Cheshire cat grin.

"The bags and all are packed." Alessia walked out of the guest room, bringing yet another smile to River's face. "You should get some rest for today. We leave tomorrow."

River nodded as the kids took each of her hand.

"Okay, we will be late. You guys should sleep with Mommy today." Mateo crouched down and pulled the kids forward.

River was so pissed at the guy. She was sure the pain killers were helping and it wasn't serious since the appendix was removed but he really needed to take care of himself.

Who am I kidding? As I said before, Gunshots were probably like papercuts to these idiots.

"You too Mateo, Adam and I will handle Alfredo." Alessia stated firmly.

Finally, someone who talks sense.


"You heard the lady." River narrowed her eyes at him who just pouted like his children.

River was starting to think that the only thing they take after her was the curly hair.

And love for lemon cookies. Ugh, Alfredo had ruined that for her.

"Alright everyone, to the bed we go." River hummed as she pulled the kids with her, waving at Adam and Alessia as she did. Mateo stayed back to talk to them while River took the babies upstairs to help them change into their pajamas before bringing the kids back downstairs.

The beds in this mansion were Alaska King sized. Every single one of them. And since Mateo seemed to be having no problem, she decided the kids were sleeping with them. It should be fine as long as they don't kick him on his right side. They had gotten the kicking in sleep from their mom too, though hers reduced significantly after she became a light sleeper owing to her job. Mateo on the other side, barely moved in his sleep.

Mateo was already in bed when they got back.

"Papa, we are sleeping here tonight.!" Kiara said as she climbed onto the bed from the empty side, her plush panda tucked under her arm.

"Are we now?" Mateo sat up, his eyes lighting up with excitement.

Now that River thought about it, this was his first time sleeping with the kids. Awww.

"Yes we are!" Lucas said as he hopped onto the bed, jumping on it, his wild curls bouncing as he did.

"I wonder why your Nonna never thought of letting me grow long hair?" Mateo wondered out loud.

River rolled her eyes while Lucas stopped jumping, looking at him confused.

"Probably because you don't have this awesome gene in you." River flipped her hair as she moved to his side of the bed, opening the drawer on the night stand to get his medicine box. "Come with me."

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