72. I Wish To Speak With You

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"Ki fell down. Nonno's calling for you!"

"What?" River quickly turned around to look out the window to see that Kiara and Alessio were missing from where he and the kids were playing.

"Where are they?" River asked as he took long strides onto the patio and scanned the lawn.

"Papa came running and took her away there!" He pointed in the direction of another sliding door and she quickly walked towards it, him in her hip and Alessia quickly following her with a first aid kit in hand.

"WHAT DO WE PAY YOU FOR?" River stopped in her tracks as both Lucas and she flinched at Mateo's angry roar. She quickly turned to Alessia and handed her her son before taking the first aid kit from her and making her way to what looked like a small parlor slash reading room.

Mateo was barking Italian at two maids who looked petrified and rooted to their spot. Alessio was standing back and watching the drama with a frown on his face but no resolve to intervene while Kiara looked between her Papa and the maids with tear-filled with eyes and A BLOODY KNEE???

"MATEO, WHAT THE F-FUDGECAKE ARE YOU DOING?" River growled as she rushed to their kid.

"Mommy!!!" Kiara started to full-on wail when she saw her mother.

"I am so sorry baby!" River kissed the tip of her nose before examining her wound. She turned to Mateo and said, "I need water to clean the wound."

She quickly pulled out some gauze and held it in place to stop the bleeding.

He quickly nodded and turned to the maids and said some more Italian. And then Alessio said something to Mateo before turning to the maids and telling them something, which they seemed to understand and they left the room.

River had actually expected Alessio to be the all-fearsome Mafia boss, especially from what Mateo had made it out to be but she really couldn't see any difference between him and his dad.

River turned to their baby girl and patted her arms comforting her. The bleeding had stopped so she could take her time cleaning the wound and dressing it. What was important was for her little girl to stop crying!

Mateo too joined River as he crouched down in front of their princess. "I am so sorry Papa left you with Nonno, love." He said with a small sad pout on his face.

Alessio was clearly offended and did not try to hide it. Kiara looked between them and at River and the mother and daughter giggled.

"And I am sorry both our boys are idiots!" River exclaimed before turning around to take the bowl of water and towel from the maid saying a quick 'Thank you' before quickly drenching the towel tip and cleaning the blood stains, blowing into the wound as her brave girl whimpered.

She pressed a kiss to her dressed knee before looking up. "You are so brave, baby!" Kiara gave her a small smile in the midst of rubbing her tears away.

River turned to Mateo. "Papa, take Princess Kiara to her room."

Mateo nodded, playing along. "Of course, this Capo is at your service." He bowed down to her while she giggled and picked her up, making sure he was not touching anywhere near her wounded knee.

River packed up the kit and cleared the coffee table and stood up, handing the things to the one maid who had come back.

"Where's Luke?" Alessio asked as he approached the doctor. "I passed him to Alessia when I heard Mateo in hulk mode." River rolled her eyes while he laughed.

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