05 ✨

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Dominic's POV

"Alright Hobbs you've got the best team in the world right in front of you give them a reason to stay." Crossing my arms I look the team over. Everyone with their own confidence.

"I know how much family means to you all so why don't I help you make that family whole again and you do a little something for me." He throws the folder with the photo of Letty inside infront of them.

Their eyes wide and I see the immediate change. "What something?" Roman is the first to question. Always the first. "Help me catch Owen Shaw. He and his team are building a nightshade device. Like a tech boom. We need to stop them from doing it."

Brian looks back at me. Fiddles with his fingers and look back to Hobbs. "You get us a clean record and Letty. Then we have a deal." Hobbs lifts an eyebrow. The woman next to him shifts uncomfortably. "I can't promise you that."

Brian begins to laugh. I walk up next to him. Arms crossed.  "Yes you can. If you want Shaw so badly." Smirking I see the wheels turning inside Hobbs head. He looks at Riley I think that's her name.

"That's the deal. Take it or leave it." With one more glance between the two of them he nods his head. "Deal." Everyone nods in agreement. My only priority is finding Letty.

Ashley's POV

I'm cleaning my hand gun when I heard boots clicking behind me. Turning around I saw Letty standing there. Unsure of herself. "Sorry didn't mean to interrupt." Showing her a seat I continue with my cleaning.

It's been two years since she joined us. Still no memory. Definitely not the girl I used to know. She sits down. Playing with the hem of her shirt.

"That fucking bastard." I turn to see Vegh punching the table. Everyone else looks at her. "Mouse got caught by the authorities." Letty sits up straight. Vegh glances my way. Waiting for my answer.

"If he got caught he made a mistake. You make a mistake you pay the prize." Vegh nods and take up her work again. The rest of the team doing the same. Preparing for tonight. I see Letty wants to say something.

"Just like that?" Putting the gun down I turn and look at her. "Just like that." She stands up and stalks off. Clearly not happy with me. Vegh comes closer. "Why does Shaw keep her around?"

I don't answer but I sure as hell would like to know too.

Changing another gear. I slip past the traffic. "Shaw we have 3 cars tailing us." Vegh driving. Denlinger breaking the back window of the SUV. "You know what to do."

Shifting another gear I slide over to the other side. Breaking off from them in order to get in a suprise attack. "All 3 chips successfully active."

From my side I see the first 2 cars crashing and then I see Brian. He is getting rid of his. I take out about six cop cars and then return to the SUV. Brian still chasing us. "Ash you got us."

Pushing down on the gas I speed past them and disappear into the traffic. Jah taking the wheel from Vegh. She slides over to take out a gun.

He turns around a goes head to head with Brian. Just before impact Jah dodges him and he ramps his car onto me. Flips over and slides about 50 to 70 meter away. Speeding off towards the warehouse. We leave the chaos for the cops to handle.

Back at the warehouse I see Letty is not back yet. With Brian here it is safe to assume Dom is here to. Getting out I stalk off towards the bathroom. I need a breather. I don't know if I want to face them.

Not long after I hear Letty's car pull up. I splash some water on my face and go out to meet with the rest. As I walk up I feel a tense atmosphere. "Ash we have a problem." Klaus is talking. Everyone turns to look at me.

Klaus hands me the photograph.

Looking over towards Shaw I see his jaw is tightened

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Looking over towards Shaw I see his jaw is tightened. I remember this picture. "We have her with the guy that almost take you two out being real cozy with one another." He points towards Shaw and me at the words you two.

"I swear Ash I don't remember him. I shot him tonight." This picture brings back memories for me too. Good ones. Ones that almost brings tears to my eyes. Almost.

"She doesn't remember him." Throwing the picture onto the table. Shaw stands up and walks closer. "I need personal details about them. We need to exploit their weakness in order to break them."

He pulls away and walks off. Everyone starts to do some digging. Letty's eyes still fixed on the picture. "Forget it." She looks at me and I walk away.

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