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Ashley's POV

They don't know it but I have been awake since the start of their conversation. I heard everytime when Owen's voice was about to break and it broke my heart but he has a kid with another woman. He lied to me about it. He blamed me for a kiss that happened when I wasn't even sure what I wanted. They other two have been at each other's throats since Hobbs got on the plane.

I lift my head from Owen's shoulder. "Would you just stop. Even the Marshall is on edge because of you." They look at me and then at the man who just got out of his seat. Hattie smirks at me. "I like you. You have fire. Just like a Shaw." I feel Owen tense up next to me. I smile softly to myself. I look down at the emerald ring on my finger.

Play with it and think what would life had been if all this didn't happen. What if I never met Owen? What if I never even ran away? I lean my head back, close my eyes and drift to the what if's.

What if

Vince is in the hospital. I rush to pack up all the necessary clothes. I make sure to pack some of his stuff as well. As I make it downstairs I hear yelling and Mia is sobbing on the porch. As I step outside I see Jesse dying in Dominic's arms. I feel the tears running down my cheeks. Mia rushes into my arms.

Brian stares at us. "Ash, I wouldn't go to Vince now. The police will be all over him." I push Mia slightly back. Wipe some tears with the back of my hand. "Your the reason why he is there. The love of my life is possible dying and if he's not he has life in prison so go fuck yourself."

Dominic steps into my view. "He's right, Ash. I know you hate it but the best thing is to go with Leon. Dissapear in Brazil somewhere. Stay low. I'll call you." He pulls me into a hug. Kisses the top of my head. He gives me the keys to his car. "Leave." I nod kiss Mia's cheek and off we go.

A few years later we are pulling some jobs down in the DR. We met Han and even though Mia is back home we keep in touch over prepaid phones scared the police might track her. Today's job was crazy as hell. Letty and Dom almost died. I am out on the deck, staring at the ocean and the way the waves are breaking.

"You're deep in thought." I turn and Letty sits down next to me. I give her a beer. We raise the bottles and I make a toast. "May we be in heaven a full half hour before the devil knows we're dead." She smirks. "I'll drink to that." There is a comfortable silence between us for a few minutes. "What happened?"

I frown and turn to her. "With Vince." A sad smile forms and I take another sip of my beer. "We wanted different things.he wanted to settle down. Start a family and me well I love the adrenaline too much and here we are." Letty rests her head on my shoulder. "One day, you will find a man that gives you all and more of what you could ever desire."

After Mia called to let me know that Letty passed away I got on the first flight back to L.A. I found Dominic in the garage. "Whatever you are planning, I want in." He turns to me and shakes his head. "I'm not going to involve you." I laugh in his face. Step closer to him.

"She was my best friend. I need this." He shakes his head. "That is exactly why you shouldn't be involved." I roll my eyes and decided to take things in my own hands. After awhile I nade good friends with Giselle. A girl in Baraga's organization. The same one Letty was involved in before she got killed.

I didn't get far before Brian and Dominic had me arrested. I didn't sit long. Just long enough for them to kill the man responsible for her death and then they broke me out. The biggest shock came when I found out Letty was alive and running with a guy named Owen Shaw.

Owen Shaw was a well known guy in the criminal world. Dangerous and lethal. I was hell bent to get her back. I found out months before the rest knew. I went to London myself. Tried hard to get someone to point me in Shaw's direction and someone did but they forgot to mention that once you are involved with Shaw you don't get out.

At first I just wanted Letty to remember me and later I found myself falling for Shaw. He was everything I wanted in a man. He gave me so much more than a need for adrenaline. He made me feel alive in more ways than one and before I knew it I was sharing a bed with him no longer caring if Letty would ever get her memory back

Someone shook me awake gently. "Ash, we're in Moscow." I look up to find Owen looking at me. I sit up immediately. It was all a dream. I stand up grab some of my fake luggage and start to move to get off the plane.

Dangerous Woman Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora