27 🐳

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Ashley's POV

I can see the heartbreak on Letty's face. Cipher just laughs and they start to walk towards the door. "In a couple of hours you'll be fine. That was just the next generation concussion grenades." My vision is still hell blury and my body doesn't want to respond.

2 hours later

Everyone seem pretty okay. Still a little disoriented but other wise fine. I see Deckard clutching his right shoulder tightly. Must have hurted it while he pushed me aside and took a fallen steel door on himself. "Let me help with that."

He looks at me for a moment and then turn to face me fully. "Your shoulder is dislocated. I'll just pop it back in." He nods and I take his arm in a tight, gentle grib. Without any warning I pop it back in. "Fuck, a warning would have been nice."

He grits on his teeth and rolls the shoulder a few times. "You know with a warning the pain would have been worse." He only nods. The young guy from earlier,which Roman informed me is known as little nobody, walks around with his hands in his hair.

"She took god's eye. Everything is lost." Wow this guy needs some serious conversation about his career choice. "Will you look at this ?" I turn my attention back to Deckard. He holds out a tablet towards me. I frown and pick it up. "Ghost flights?" He only nods. That would make perfect sense. That would also mean that Cipher as access to any part of the world without anybody ever knowing.

No wonder people never knew she was real. Hell even I thought for a couple of years that Cipher was an organization. "Guys I think I know how Cipher got into the country without us knowing."

Everyone looks at me. I type a few things on the screen. Okay actually I just hacked Mr Nobody's system so I can control their big screens from the tablet. "Ghost flights." It looks like a gesr clicked into place in Mr Nobody's head. "She has serious connections to pull it off. Especially if she doesn't want to leave a trace."

I stsrt to hack their trail. It is a pretty impressive firewall she build to keep people out but I'm a little better at breaking them down. "Okay I know where they are headed. New York City." The team looks impressed. Alot actually. But I must say Ramsey and Tej they take the cake for sure.

"Alright people pack up we're going to New York." Everyone starts to gather their things. I go to pick up my duffel bag. But first I pull out my cellphone. I have a call to make.

The phone rings about 2 times before the familiar voice is heard from the other end. "Babygirl?" My face break out into a smile. Just to hear him say the ridiculous nickname makes my heart jump. "It is really good to hear your voice."

I pack some extra stuff in the bag before I pull it over my shoulder. Some of the team are already seated in a white van. Great this will definitely be the longest damn ride of my entire life. "What's wrong ? You never call when you're on a job."

I put the duffel bag at my feet as I strap myself in a seat. "For the first time ever I'm scared. I saw Dominic. He's different, alot different." I see little nobody looks over at me. Probably trying to figure out who I'm talking to. It takes alot of control not to tell him off right now.

"So he really did go rogue?" Just the thought brings actually tears to my eyes. For the first time in forever I want to cry for my brother. "There has to be an explanation for this. I mean he would never ever turn against his family or the woman he loves."

I look over as Letty gets in the van. Looks around for place to sit. I pat the seat next to me. "You know that. We've experienced it first hand. I'm the one who did it. Who did it over and over again for as long as I can remember and suddenly the wheels have turned."

Letty comes to sit next to me. She looks at me and realizes that I'm on the phone. "Babygirl he must have a good reson for doing what he's doing. Trust him. The man I got to know always has a plan." I smile and I feel some anxiety leave my body.

I feel lighter. It was a really good idea to call him. "Another thing." I look up and see that Deckard and Hobbs are at their rivalry again. "Deckard is here too." I hear a sigh on the other side. I can just imagine him running a hand throw his hair.

"Great." I know the whole thing still bothers him even though he never brings it up. "What happened between you two ? You'll die for one onther but won't talk to each other ?" There is a silence that follows. Deckard and Hobbs get into the van and Mr Nobody shuts the door.

Hobbs takes the other seat next to me while Deckard sits across from me. "It's a long story. One I'd like to tell you while you're laying in my arms." I smile at the thought. I would give anything to kiss him right now. "Yeah I like the sound of that."

We start to move and I know that I'll have to get some sort of sleep before New York. Maybe talk to Letty too. "Be careful babygirl." I desperately want him with me but I pick my hanging head up and smile. "Always." With that I end the phone call. Peace in my heart and a longing for the man I love.

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