25 💭

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Mia's POV

"I remember the first person to see was Vegh. She was at the table looking over plans. Shaw introduced us. She was cold towards me." I turn to face her fully.

Placing my mug of coffee on the table aside. It sounds to me as if she wants to open up about that time. Maybe I can learn a few things of my sister now.

"I greeted the other and the seemed nice. Shaw placed his hand on my lower back and guided me deeper into the safehouse." She has a small smile on her face. A sign that not all were bad there.

"There I saw a guy and woman training in combat. The woman was kicking his ass. I stopped to take her appearance in because she was so beautiful. Black leggings with a matching black nike sportsbra. Blonde hair up in a high ponytail. She was gorgeous."

That kind of sounds like Ash. Only difference is that I would picture her in overalls with grease stained hands. "Shaw called out to them and they turn their attention towards me. They walked closer. The guy was friendly. Shook my hand and walked off. Leaving me with the beautiful blonde and Shaw."

How I wish to have the chance to time travel. Have the ability to see my sister that way. "She stepped closer and introduced herself as Ashley. My whole body was shaking as I shook her hand."

This brought a smile to my face. It shows me that my sister is still the loveable person she used to be. "She started to train me. Make sure I had everything and if anybody ever questioned me she would put them in their place."

This is why Letty was so emotional when she realized that Ash choose Shaw over her family. "One day I walk to the back of the safehouse. I needed to put on some extra stuff for my car when I entered the garage part I was met with Ashley sitting on the hood of her car. Only in her leggings and red lace bra. Arms wrapped around Shaw's neck. He was shirtless. Hands on her waist."

Letty stays quiet for a few moments

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Letty stays quiet for a few moments. Like she wants me to tell her it's okay to talk about my sister having sex with the enemy. "They were kissing. It was intense and then it hit me. That's why ge would get pissed if one of the guys stared at her to long or if she was to distract someone."

Letty looks up at me again. Her eyes full of hurt but also understanding. "He loves her. More than anything. I saw it with my own eyes. He is so jealous and possessive when it comes to her. He would burn the world down for her. He killed a man who slapped her one time."

I realized the day on the plane how badly they love one another. However I could never understand why ot how. They just do. "If she comes to help us it would be wonderful to have my sister with us again."

I smile at Letty as she stands to walk away. She places her hand on my shoulder gently. Squeeze it and then proceed to walk out. I really hope that she calls back with some good news.

Ashley's POV

It's been six hours since Mia called. Owen is already busy getting a new team together for a job in Australia. He told me that I need to follow my heart. He would support me no matter what.

I pick up the phone. Stare at it for about five minutes that felt like two decades. The phone rings and rings. I was about to hang up when I hear her voice. "I'll help you."

With that I pull my suitcase from the top. I need to pack extra because I have no idea what's going to happen. After I'm sure everything is packed I decided to go look for Owen.

I find him outside. On the phone fighting with someone. Once he sees me he ends the call. "You going ?" I nod. He pulls me towards him by my waist. "I'll be waiting for you."

I smile and kiss him. Hard because I don't want to leave him behind. Not when I actually just found him again. "Get your brother back." I kiss him one last time before I walk towards my car and speed off in the direction of the airport.

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