Chapter 28:

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I woke up in a dark cold room. Hands and feet chained to the wall unable to move. I looked around, trying to get used to the darkness before remembering my stomach gushing out blood. I looked down checking my stomach but it was healed, no patch of blood seen.

'She must have used her magic and healed it.'

I continued to look around, trying to find any opening that will be able to let me out of these chains.

"Maybe I can use my magic and cut through the chains.'

I tried to cut the chains with a water whip but the chains blocked my magic. I clicked my tongue in annoyance. Where did she get these magic chains? Before I could try another way, I heard footsteps echoing.

"Finally awake?" Lucy spoke as she opened up the chamber I was in.

I didn't respond to her, only glaring at her. She giggled and walked closer to me.

"You should be glad I healed your wound or else you would have been dead already." she said, stroking my hair. I couldn't do anything other than allow her.

"Release me from this." I coldly said, moving my hands and feet, the chains clicking loudly.

She pouted and shook her head. "I'm afraid I can't. I can't let you run away from me again. Not when I have been waiting for this for so long."

Her smile grew bigger as she continued stroking my hair, "Once I get rid of everyone in my way, I'll finally have you all to myself. No one can come in between our love. You will finally look at me and only me."

I chuckled, looking at her, "You truly are stupid aren't you?"

She didn't answer back, a smile still plastered on her face.

I continued on, "You really think that even once you get rid of everyone, I will love you? Look at you?" I scoffed, "Get your brain checked. No matter what world we live in, I would never love you."

"!" she gripped her hair, staggering back, not wanting to listen to my words any longer but I didn't care.

"Face it. No matter what you do, you will never get it."

"Shut up!' she screamed, her hands aiming for my throat but I barely dodged it.

I snickered at her, "How pathetic. If you never did this in the first place maybe we could have been decent with each other. But you chose this path."

"No. You will love me. I loved you for years but you never bat an eye at me! This is the only way!"

"That's your way of thinking. Have you ever approached me? Greeted me or even tried to start a conversation?"

"Even if I did you would never-"

"No I would have. You were just scared. A coward."

Lucy glared at me and once again tried to strangle me but this time she used the claw from before. "Shut up or I'll kill you!!"

Before the claw could reach me, the walls exploded and she was blasted away by it. My eyes closed shut from the sudden explosion before hearing the chains hitting against something. I felt the chains that bound me, loosen and I could move once again.

I looked up to see who broke the chains. I lightly laughed, shaking my head, "I knew you would come in time, Kyrillos."

He scoffed, folding his arms, "And you should learn to not get kidnapped by a crazy woman."

I shrugged, "Nobody would think that they would ever get stabbed in the stomach and get lifted up in the air before disappearing."

"Touché. Now let's get out of here before she-" Kyrillos casted a shield around us as Lucy tried to stab us again.

"Yeah just like that." he pointed out before grabbing me and quickly leaving the building I was held captive in.

I flipped her off with both hands. I heard Kyrillos laughing behind me. I frowned, sulking slightly, "What's so funny?"

"Didn't think you would do those types of things."

"I'm pissed off by her so I want to get on her nerves."

Kyrillos laughed even more, amused by my statement, "You truly make everything interesting."

Not long Kyrillos stopped at a secluded area where Phillip, Catherine, Blaive and Ralph were waiting at. They noticed our presence and ran over to us.

"Are you okay?! Did she do anything to you!?"

"I'm okay Cath. She healed the wound she gave me but she nearly tried to kill me again."

Kyrillos flicked my forehead, shaking his head, "Learn how to take care of yourself better."

I frowned at him, "Yes yes. I will."

Phillip pulled me to his side by the waist and glared at Kyrillos who smirked in return.

"We should run-" Blaive's words get cut off by a loud pitch scream.

Not far from where we were, Lucy was there, screaming. It sounds strangled and choked out as she fell to her knees while gripping her head tightly.

"..What's happening to her?" Catherine asked, looking at Lucy who seemed to be in pain.

"Don't drop your guard," I said, staring intensely at Lucy who had a dark mist surrounding her body.

"Her magic is becoming unstable. She's no longer able to control anymore." I added on.

The dark mist that surrounded her body started being absorbed by her. Her screams grew louder, shaking uncontrollably until it suddenly stopped. It turned silent but no one moved, preparing for the worse.

Then, Lucy slowly stood up, wobbling ever so slightly. A wide cheshire smile plastered on her face as she intently stared at us. Her eyes were now a dark blood colour. In seconds she reached us about to stab but we quickly jumped away in time.

Her sharp dark claws piercing through the ground with immaculate force. I felt my back running cold thinking what if we didn't jump in time.

"Be careful!" Phillip shouted. He quickly used his magic, casting a shield on all of us.

Lucy cackled loudly, "I never felt this powerful in all my life! Let's have a double suicide Lilyana!"

I scrunch up my nose before shouting back, "No way would I do that! Go to hell alone!"

Lucy stared at me with sad teary eyes, "..Why? Why why why!? I do so much for you but you never appreciate it!"

Lucy sobbed into her hands, mumbling inaudible words before speaking up again, "Fine. If I can't have you,"

She dropped her hands to her side, her eyes cold and insane. ""

She then used her magic, making her faster as she jumped up high and shot fireballs with spikes down. Catherine diverted it with her wind magic, blowing it to the other side but not all were successful.

Blaive quickly used his magic, blocking off the other fireballs. While they were distracted, Lucy disappeared into thin air before appearing close to Ralph and shooting arrows made by light magic.

"Ralph watch out!" I shouted, alerting him but I was too late.

"Ack!" He got shot by multiple arrows, piercing through his skin.

Author's note: The story is ending :( but I'm writing a new book so maybe I will post it soon? (❁'◡'❁)

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