Chapter 19: Don't want to die

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When I could finally open my eyes, I was surrounded by darkness and underneath my feet felt like water. Where am I?

"Hello?" I shouted out into the darkness, slowly walking around aimlessly as I continued to call out.

Suddenly the water underneath me vanished and I was falling down into more darkness. I try to grab onto something- anything but there was nothing but emptiness. I continued falling and falling until my surroundings turned bright.

Unable to keep my eyes open, I shut my eyes tightly, shielding myself from the light before I felt something underneath me. Slowly, I opened my eyes to see a strange yet familiar surrounding. I looked down to see that I was wearing a blue sweater and jeans. Looking around more, I noticed that I was in a bus filled with a decent amount of people. Not too many nor little.

I heard a loud buzz coming from my pocket. Taking it out, I unlocked my phone to see a text from my mother.

"Where are you?" she texted.

Texting back, I replied, "On my way back home. Will be back in 10 minutes."

She quickly responded back, "Alright, I made your favorite dish. Be careful."

Smiling at the text, I left the app and clicked on another. The book I was reading came up and I lazily scrolled through it, finishing up the last few chapters of the book.

'Something feels off...' I thought to myself as I finished the last bit of words.

"Lilyana Kimberleye..a character who deserved better..." I softly mumbled to myself before freezing up.

"Lilyana....Kimberleye..?" the name rolled off my tongue perfectly and easily as if...I was her.

The bus suddenly started shaking vigorously causing me to snap out of my trance, looking out of the bus window to see what was happening. The bus wheels were going out of control and the driver was trying his best to control it.

I could hear screams and panic voices all around me as we continued to sway dangerously until the bus was out of control. The bus flipped over and crushed everyone who were in it. Including me.

The saying where your life flashes by your eyes just before you die? It happened to me as I instantly died by the impact.

As I now stand outside the bus, watching police and ambulances coming, trying their best to save the people in the bus that were barely holding on to their lives desperately. It finally clicked in my mind.

"I died..." I whispered to myself as I watched everything unfold in front of my eyes. I could feel my vision turning blurry as tears slowly flowed out. I fell onto my knees as I cried but nobody could hear my cries.

After all, I was dead in this world. And alone.

'No I don't want to be alone...' tears continued streaming down my face as I sobbed.


'Please..I don't want to be alone..' I gripped my head, covering my ears tightly, afraid of this loneliness.


I could hear voices speaking. I look up to the sky, hearing the voices coming from upwards. Slowly, I removed my hands from my ears, trying to listen to hear what they were saying.


Who's that? Who are you calling?


Lily? Who's Lily? My name isn't Lily. It's-

My eyes widened as everything clicked in my head. The world around me slowly froze, turning into a blur as I stopped crying. The ground started shaking before it tore into half, letting me fall once again.

A Deal With The PrinceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora