Chapter 26: Nap time!

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Flashbacks of Lucy's words played in my mind.

I'm the only one who knows the real you.

I know and understand you far better than those book characters.

I can take care of you. Forever.

I shuddered at the memory, goosebumps crawling up my skin. I couldn't understand what was going through her mind. Does she want to kill me or keep me? Both options were dreadful.

"Should have done more damage to her than just that.." I muttered to myself not satisfied how easy I let her off.

"...The real me.." I unconsciously whispered, looking up at the ceiling.

She was right. Nobody here knows me before this. Nobody knows a girl named Alice. Only Lilyana. But it doesn't matter. How I am now is how I was in my previous life, it doesn't matter if they knew my past name. They know the real me too.

"Book characters.."

When did I stop seeing them as characters from a book to real people with real personalities? Probably when I realised Phillip's feelings? Or when I realised-

"Ugh what a pain." I grumbled, using my arm to cover my eyes.

"Alice." I hear someone calling my name.

"Alice wake up or you're going to be late for class." I felt someone shaking me.

Slowly opening my eyes, my mother was standing beside my bed. "Mum?" I groggily spoke, rubbing my eyes.

"Yes now get up or else you will be late for classes!" she said, lightly whacking me before leaving my room.

I followed her orders and got ready for classes. Brushing down my messy hair and putting on some makeup to look presentable for class. Heading downstairs, I grabbed some breakfast before bidding my parents goodbye.

The bus station was close to my house only taking five minutes to reach before getting onto the busy bus. Holding on a railing tightly, I took out my phone and scrolled through my notifications from my friends and so on.

I felt a stare on my back but when I looked around nobody was looking. Shrugging it off, thinking it was just my imagination I plugged in my earphones and shuffled my music before opening up an app where all my books I was reading were in.

'Finished this one last night...This one is boring.....Haven't been updated.' I continued scrolling past many books, not in the mood to read those.

'Ah how about this one? Lucy Pratt: Falling For The Prince.' I stopped scrolling and paused at one book that caught my attention. Reading the synopsis, I began reading it.

At first it was boring but slowly it got all my attention until I nearly missed my stop to get off. Slipping my phone into my pocket, I got off the train and headed straight to my college. Once I finished all my classes, I went to a cafe nearby and continued reading. The story was well written and although it was cliche, it still grabbed my attention.

The door chimed and I glanced over at it. A familiar blonde hair caught my eye. Blonde hair with pink eyes.

"Phillip?" a name that slipped out of my mouth.

He turned my way, making eye contact with me. I rubbed my eyes and noticed it was just someone who had dyed their hair blonde and they had brown eyes instead of pink. Flustered, I looked away, back down at my phone.

That experience was weird. Phillip? The male lead in the story I was reading. Why did I utter his name out as if I knew him for real. It got weirder after that. The next few people looked so familiar yet not at the same time.

"Hah...I'm losing my mind." I sighed, messing up my hair.

"Lily!" I turned to the voice about to answer, "Yes." but stopped myself in time. It was a girl calling her other friend.

I stared at my phone's blank screen, a small reflection of my own self. It was me but it didn't sit right.

'Where's the silver hair and blue eyes..?' I thought to myself.

"Lilyana," I heard someone calling me. Looking up I saw Phillip sitting opposite of me with a warm smile. I felt my heartbeat speeding up. Blinking and squinting my eyes, I could confirm it really was him in front of me.

"Am I real or just a character from a book to you?" he suddenly asked, touching my hand softly.

I could feel warmth coming from him. I could feel how gentle he was and how big his hand was from mine. Opening my mouth, I answered his question with no hesitation,

"You're real."

My answer made him smile wider, showing his teeth. He still looked like a charming prince even when he smiled like that. He squeezed my hand before releasing it, getting up from the seat.

"Then what do you think of me?" he asked, walking towards me, inching closer.


"Do you like me?"


"Do you like me?" he asked again, coming closer. I could feel his hand touching my face.

"I-I don't know."

"If I disappeared, how would you feel?"


"If I got killed?"

"Maybe laugh then cry." I mumbled.

He rolled his eyes, "Even when I'm dead you would laugh at me first?"

I nodded, "Because Phillip is a male lead so he is a strong character." I answered.

He shook his head, "This is getting nowhere."

He moved away from me, "What if I loved Lucy instead?"

'That's alright.'

"That's.." the words got stuck in my throat, unable to say it out.

"That's.." I tried again but to no luck.

"Would you like it?"

"..." I didn't answer him.

His face darkens, "So it's okay if I do." he nodded, slowly backing away.

"Wait I-" I grabbed his hand without thinking. He looked at me, waiting for me to continue.

I stared at my hand that was holding on to his. I took in a deep breath, calming my nerves down.

"I..I don't like it." I said, feeling as if something had lifted off my chest and I could breathe easier.

"You don't?"

I nodded, not daring to look him in the eye as I added on from what I said, "I don't like it if you went with her, talked to her or loved her. I hate it."

I couldn't stop myself from saying what I wanted to. Words kept spilling out even if I tried to stop. Phillip wasn't saying anything but I knew he was still beside me as I held onto his hand tighter. I felt vulnerable and I hated that feeling. I felt like I became like the Lilyana Kimberleye from the book.

"Phillip I li-" he held his free hand up to my face causing me to halt my sentence.

I finally gazed up at him who was smiling. "Tell it to the real Phillip instead. He would feel happier than me."

With that, he pushed me backwards and instead of falling back to my chair I was sitting on, I fell into a dark void. I jumped up, realising I was back in Ralph's room. I looked around before sighing in relief as it was all just a dream.

"Had a great nap?" I heard Phillip's voice.

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