Chapter 2: Pretty boy

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Phillip and I decided to make a deal and it has been going just like our agreement. We put on an act in front of everyone and the ladies around our age slowly stopped trying to make a move on Phillip. Phillip was pleased with the outcome that he even told me I could order any dessert I wanted by the head palace chef.

(Of course I ordered a lot, not wasting a good opportunity like that)

Time quickly passed without me knowing and now we were twelve. Within a span of four years, I have learned so much about Phillip and how different he was from the book I have read.

"Your highness, Lady Lilyana has arrived." a servant said, opening the door slightly just enough to be seen by Phillip in his study room.

"Let her in." Phillip answered without lifting his head up from his work in front of him.

"Good afternoon your highness, are you still working?" I spoke with dignity as I sat down on the couch in the study room.

Once the maid placed down the tea and snacks Phillip had asked them to prepare and left, I crossed my legs and stretched my arms, slouching just a bit. Within the four years of being almost together everyday with him, we grew close as good childhood friends and we did not care how we act in front of each other when it was just the two of us.

"Everyday I come over, you are always working." I rolled my eyes as I stuffed my mouth with the snacks.

Phillip glanced over at me before snickering, "If only someone saw you like this, you would bring shame to any noble."

I glared at him, "Oh shut it pretty boy. You think you're any better?"

He folded his arms and looked at me with challenging eyes, "Definitely."

This was our usual. Put on an act as if we were in love with each other in front of everyone but once everyone is gone we act like ourselves.

"How was the tea party over at Earl White's household?" Phillip asked as he went back doing his work like usual.

I heaved out a sigh before adjusting my sitting position, we were only twelve yet he loved indulging himself in his work. He was extremely talented and smart since young after all.

"Boring. They still ask about our relationship. Wanting to know what has been happening and just girly gossip about which guy is cute, date-able, a lady killer and other nonsense I didn't pay attention to." I replied lazily.

I only go to these tea parties for status and because I was the crown prince's fiancée.

Phillip nodded and smiled cockily, "And of course I'm in there?"

I scoffed to myself as I took a sip of my tea, "The ladies at the party still talk about you as if you are the perfect gentleman any lady would want. If only they knew the real you."

"What are you talking about? I am the perfect gentleman." Phillip said, getting up from his seat over to where I was sitting at.

Lifting my chin up with his index finger, he leaned closer, "...Am I not?" he smirked.

I pinched my nose and stared at him blankly before saying, "Your breath stinks."

He glared at me before moving backwards, keeping a good distance between us. I dusted my dress, removing any dirt or germs that he could have given me.

"Sorry I only like older men." I said bluntly.

"You always say that," he sighed, walking back to his seat.

I nodded and slightly winked, "Because older men are way better."

'And I am older than you mentally.' I thought to myself but never said it.

We sat in comfortable silence before I got up and walked over to his desk where all his work was laid out. I picked one up and scanned through it. Ah, this was accounting work. Only turned twelve this year yet he already had to do work meant for adults.

"Are you going to help me?" he asked, halting his hand movements and looked up at me.

I hummed, looking through the work more before answering him, "Only if I get something in return."

He shook his head, "You always want something in return. Well then, what is it?"

I placed my hand on my chin as I thought through, "I challenge you to a fight."

He blinked before mockingly laughed at me, "Fight? Again?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I learned new spells so I wanted to test them out." I said snapping my fingers, forming a small water ball.

This world has six types of magic. The strongest was light followed by dark, fire, water, wind and lastly earth. Magic was more common with nobles than commoners so only nobles can go for magic schools.

My main magic was water but I could use wind with a limit. Phillip uses fire but he is able to use almost all with a limit. I pout at how unfair the male lead was an over power character.

Phillip shook his head, "You always want to fight whenever we have the chance."

"Because then I can try out new spells I have learnt at home!"

"Can't you try them out on those practice dolls in the backyard?"

"No way, there's no fun in that. I want to hit you with these spells." I grinned as I played with the water floating above my palm.

"....You really just want to hurt me don't you?"

"Of course!"

"..I still am the crown prince of this country you are living in Lilyana."

I smiled at Phillip who had a done look on his face, "I know but you would never try to harm me Phillip. We have our deal after all."

He chuckled, "That is true. Fine, I accept." Phillip then pointed at a few stacks of paper in front of him, "Finish this pile of work for me."

"You're lucky to have me Phillip." I chuckled as I took the work he wanted me to do over to where I was sitting before.

"Indeed I am." Phillip mumbled under his breath as he continued to finish his work.


"Hey pretty boy I'm done with the work." I spoke after spending almost the whole afternoon helping him with the work.

I noticed he wasn't replying back to me so I looked up and turned over to his desk. He was asleep, his hand still gripping tightly on his fountain pen as his head kept bobbing up and down. I stifled back a giggle before grabbing a blanket I found laying on the sofa, probably not washed for a month or so and draped it over him.

I looked through what else he had left to do and began finishing a few more since I was in a good mood that day.

"Hmph, he's truly lucky to have someone who had learnt this." I muttered to myself as I recall my time in my old world.

I glanced over at the sleeping figure. The sunlight seeping through the windows was hitting his face perfectly, showing off his beauty even while asleep. I pout, looking away from the scene unfolding in front of me. It is unfair how beautiful he was. I'm a girl yet he is much more beautiful!? Unbelievable. Looking at him more will make me want to find black ink and a brush to draw on his face.

The clock ticked slowly as I continued helping Phillip with his work.

I continued grumbling under my breath, "You may be the male lead, have a beautiful face, an annoying personality,"

I tapped the stack of papers on the table lightly, "But having this much of work everyday is just too much especially when we are only twelve and still in our childhood." I sighed, arranging all the papers accordingly before neatly placing them on Phillip's desk without waking him up.

"Well I'm glad you can easily take a break and have a nap whenever I'm around." I smiled, brushing his bangs away from his face.

He scrunched up his nose before relaxing once again, his breathing steady. I chuckled softly before turning and walking out of the room, deciding it was now time to go back home.

"Have a good rest, pretty boy."

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