Chapter 10: Fairies

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"Welcome first years to your first ever class! I am your teacher, Arthur Yate. You are to address me as Teacher Yate. Now open your textbook to..."

Today was the first class and it was magic theory. How to properly control it and prevent our magic from turning unstable. Although everyone mostly already learned from home tutors, the school goes more in depth in it. Every class lasted for an hour and a half, having a five minute break before the next class.

"Using another type of magic other than the one you were born with is easy but not many magic users can use more than two without limits." he explained, writing it down on the board for everyone to see.

"Using more than two with no limit isn't common but there are users who can wield it." the teacher explained.

"Like for example, his highness, he is able to use three magic types with no limit but he is also able to use all other types of magic." the teacher said, gesturing at Phillip.

"His highness is amazing!" the students muttered to themselves.

Phillip smiled, "Thank you teacher."

He nodded and continued on. Phillip was sitting behind me but I never once glanced back.

"Lilyana." I hear him whisper softly, only I can hear.

I didn't reply to him and continued listening to the teacher. Ever since that night after the ball, Phillip and I never spoke about the incident.

"Next let's talk about mythical creatures. The most common one we see are called The Fairies. Just like the types of magic we have, we have light, dark, fire, water, wind and forest fairies." The teacher said, after we flipped to the page in our textbooks.

I could feel Phillip's hard stare on me but I ignored it as I was interested in what the teacher had to say about fairies.

"You can only see them when they want you to. Every person has their own kind of aura which attracts them. Like a charm." he explained further.

"Fairies..." I mumbled to myself, letting the word roll off my tongue.

I don't recall reading this in the book but then again, the author who wrote the book never talked about their school life and anything related with it. It only focused on the heroine and her love with the prince.

I glanced to the left where Lucy Pratt was sitting. She wasn't even focusing on what we were learning but more on Phillip and Blaive. My stomach went uneasy. Something tells me, she's up to no good. Not wanting to get scolded by the teacher, I turned my attention back to the lesson. Not noticing her turning her gaze towards me.

After going through many lessons, lunch rolled around. Stretching my body after sitting down for so long, I let out a contented sigh.

"I'm starving! Let's go get lunch Cath." I said as I packed up my things, not wanting anyone to steal my things.

"Sorry Lily but Blaive asked me to eat with him today but you can join us." Catherine said, clasping her hands together as she apologised.

I shook my head and smiled, "No it's fine! Go and eat with Blaive. I don't feel like third wheeling you two."

"Third wheeling?"

"Uh I mean I don't feel like bothering you two with my presence."

Catherine nodded but still had a guilty look on her face, I puffed my cheeks, hands on my hips. "I said it's fine! Go now!"

"I will make it up to you!"

"I want desserts then!"

"Deal! See you in class later Lily!" Catherine then left to have lunch with Blaive.

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