Chapter 15: Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice

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I could hear someone speaking but it was all muffled. Groggily, I opened my eyes, realising I had fallen asleep without myself knowing. Pushing myself up from the tree I slept under, I noticed sharp green eyes looking at me.

"Finally you woke up." he said nonchalantly, squatting down as he continued staring at me.

Blinking, I took a few seconds to process before I quickly threw a water ball at the person. He easily dodged it with grace.

"Who are you?!" I asked, guard up.

He chuckled before replying, "Shouldn't I be asking you that? You have been walking into my territory many times."

"..Your territory? This is the school's forest, how can it be yours?"

He scoffed, folding his arms. "Have they not taught you anything? I'm the fairy forest king."

I stared at him with wide eyes, "You are?"

"Would you like a demonstration?" without letting me answer, he snapped his fingers and a bright light engulfed us.

Before I knew it, I was in an unfamiliar place but looking around more, I realised it was his palace that was made with everything nature.

"Do you believe me now?" he said, sitting on his throne in the middle of the palace.

"Yes, I apologise for being rude, your majesty." I said, bowing.

He scrunch up his nose in disgust, "Don't do that, I do not like these things. Casually speak to me."

I nodded, looking up at him. Now that I was fully awake, I could see how beautiful and magnificent he was. Eyes and hair in the shade of olive green. Hair long and flowy that reaches his lower back. Pointy ears that showed he was truly a fairy.

"Mesmerized by my beauty?" he let out a low chuckle as he crossed his legs, leaning on his elbow.

"I would be lying if I wasn't." I truthfully replied before realising something.

"Wait, I can see you." I stated an obvious fact.

He raised his eyebrow and nodded, "And what about it?"

"If I can see you that means..." I muttered to myself, getting lost in my thoughts.

He nodded again, "That's right, I allowed you."

Without lifting a finger, from his throne he swiftly stood in front of me. I stared at him in awe, amazed at how fast he was.

"Aren't you happy? I rarely let anyone see me." he said in a low tone, twirling his finger around  a piece of my hair.

"I am honoured if that's what you mean." I nodded, not affected by how close he was.

He blinked before letting out a chuckle, "You truly are one interesting being, I can understand why all the forest fairies like you," he continued playing with the piece of hair.

"You have a special aura around you. One I have never seen before." he mumbled, staring intensely into my blue eyes.

"As if you aren't from this world." that sentence made me freeze.

"Just kidding!" he laughed, letting go of my hair.

I let out an awkward laugh, feeling a cold sweat roll down my back.

"What's your name?" he asked, swiftly using his magic to bring him back to his throne.

"Lilyana Kimberleye.." I answered him.

He nodded, lazily waving his hand and before I knew it we were in another place or room. I was seated down in a chair. The forest king snapped his fingers again and instantly many types of sweets were on the table.

"You must like sweets right? Here, have some." he placed different kinds of sweets on my plate.

"All of these are creations in my forest." he added on.

I stare at my plate that is now full of sweets I have never seen until now. I turned to him and awkwardly pointed. "Am I really allowed to eat these?"

He nodded. "Of course, if you weren't why would I have these out?"

"Yeah that makes sense.." I muttered to myself before helping myself to the sweets.

Taking one bite, I knew I was going to finish everything on my plate. I continued eating the sweets until there were none left. I could hear him chuckling at me as I took more sweets.

Not wanting to be the only one eating, I placed a few on his plate, signalling him to eat some. Looking at my actions, he couldn't help but laugh before eating them.

"How did you know I like sweets?" I asked after swallowing the dessert in my mouth.

He ate one of the sweets in his hand in one shot before answering me, "I already took notice of you once you stepped into the forest. You handed candies to the fairies in the forest didn't you?"

I nodded, taking another bite. "I did."

"After that you kept coming into the forest, giving them homemade sweets you made as well. One of the fairy brought back some for me and I have to say, those sweets you made were delicious."

I turned to him, "I can make some for you the next time I come."

He hummed, "Then I'll look forward to that."

I giggled, shaking my head, "Do all forest fairies like sweets?"

He nodded proudly, "Of course, sweets are our food for energy."

We continued chatting with each other, forgetting how time was passing by quickly.

"Oh by the way, what's your name? I don't want to call you forest king, it's too much of a hassle."

"Kyrillos." he answered, obviously comfortable around me already as he slouched slightly in his chair.

"Kyrillos," I repeated it several times to get used to it rolling off my tongue.

"It means lord doesn't it?" I smiled at him.

He smiled back and nodded, "That's right, I'm impressed you know."

"It suits you though. Kyrillos. It has a nice ring as well." I smiled, complimenting his name.

Kyrillos didn't say anything, only looking at me as I continued eating, not sensing his stares on me. After some time passed, he couldn't help but speak up.

"...Shouldn't you stop eating now?" he asked, tapping his finger on the table.


"The sun is already setting." he reminded me as he pointed outside.

I paused before gasping loudly, "Crap! I have to go now!" I quickly got out of my seat and was about to rush out before I stopped and turned to Kyrillos.

"How do I get out?" I asked, remembering that he used his magic to bring me here.

He snapped his fingers and brought me back to the entrance of the forest. I sighed in relief, "Thank you, I'll be going now!"

He nodded, waving goodbye along with the other forest fairies. "Bye Lily~!"

"Remember to bring sweets." he said and I sent him an okay sign before rushing off back to the dorm, hoping Catherine wouldn't kill me for being gone for so long.

Kyrillos watched as my figure slowly grew smaller. His lips curved upwards, "Truly interesting, I want to make her mine."

"King wants Lily as his queen~?" one of the fairy asked.

He turned to them and smiled, "Who knows?"


Author's note: Kyrillos or Phillip ψ(`∇')ψ

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