Chapter 3: A challenge

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Not much happened after that day I went over to the palace. Few days went by before one of my maids knocked on my door, telling me Phillip had come and visited me.

"It's not often the prince would come over to the Duke Kimberleye's household." I teased once I walked into the waiting room where Phillip was in.

He wasn't wearing his usual prince attire, instead he was wearing the outfit he would always wear every time we would have a fight or when he had practice for sword fighting and magic.

I smiled, already knowing why he came over. "Give me a few minutes to change, meet you at the usual place."

He clicked his tongue, annoyed, "You always make me wait."

I shrugged, "Would you rather fight me in this barely movable dress?"

"I would beat you in a blink of an eye." he smirked.

I rolled my eyes, folding my arms to my chest, "No way. Anyway just wait I won't take hundreds of years."

"Fine fine. Hurry, it's not good to keep the prince waiting." he teased causing me to roll my eyes even more.

Forcing out a fake smile, I replied, "Of course. Your. Highness."

Just wait until I crush you with the new things I have learnt Phillip!

Keeping my word, I quickly changed out of my dress and into a shirt and pants. I then went to the usual place where Phillip and I would practice or fight. It was away from all the eyes in the household. Hidden way behind the household, in a forest, near a secret lake we stumbled upon years ago, that was our usual place.

"Took you long enough." Phillip grumbled once he noticed my presence.

I sighed, biting on a hair tie as I gathered up all my hair and putting it into a ponytail. "Stop complaining, you baby."

He frowned, glaring at me, "B-baby?!"

I nodded, "Yeah, do you like the new nickname? It suits you very well. The crown prince. A baby." I provoked him more, smiling widely.

He blew his bangs, irritated at my comment. "Whatever let's get this fight over with. The first one to fall on their butt loses."

I hummed, getting ready to defeat him, "Alright."

I took in a deep breath before focusing all my magical energy. Fluttering my eyes open, I began attacking him. I created a large water bomb before throwing it over at him. Before it exploded, Phillip had fled to the back, dodging it with ease.

"Is that all you got?" he scoffed.

I chuckled, knowing that he would say that. "Who knows?"

Phillip noticed something off and realised he had fallen into the trap I have made. I blew the smoke that the bomb had created into his sight making him unable to see anything around him.

"Shit." he cursed before quickly using wind magic to disperse the smoke.

"Remember when I told you I learnt something new?" I said amidst all the smoke.

Phillip felt something wrapped around his leg before it lifted him up. The smoke disappeared allowing him to see clearly once again. I had used water to wrap around his leg, lifting him up in the air.

He clicked his tongue before shooting it with fire, dispersing it instantly. Dropping to the ground, he landed on his feet.

"I have to say I am impressed Lilyana," Phillip smiled.

"But there is no way I am letting you win."

Phillip placed his hand on the ground, pushing some of his magic into it, causing the ground under me to shake furiously. Quickly, I lifted myself up so I wouldn't fall to the ground due to how unstable it was. Without missing a beat, Phillip threw small but dozens of fireballs towards me.

Using water as my shield, I dispersed it with ease but I noticed Phillip had disappeared. I frowned, looking around to see where he was.

"Did you miss me?" I heard his voice echoing.

I turned to the back and quickly blocked an attack from him. I jumped back, holding my guard. Phillip had disguised his presence using dark magic. I glared, "That's not fair that you can use all six of it!"

He shrugged, "Not my fault I'm better than you."

"Oh shut it you baby."

"Stop calling me that!"

"Why not!"

"Because I am obviously not a baby!"

I sent him a judgemental look before blowing a strong tornado over to his direction. Using light magic, he dodged it without even landing a single scratch.

I stomped my feet on the ground, "I hate you and how you can easily use all six!!"

"Giving up?" Phillip laughed, watching me throw a small tantrum.

I let out a huff, "I have something else up my sleeve." I closed my eyes, slowly mixing both water and wind magic together.

Raising my hand up, I made another tornado but this time water was mixed with it. Not letting any second to waste, I quickly engulfed Phillip in it.

"This is new." Phillip calmly said although he was inside it.

I sighed knowing the spell didn't work. I stopped the spell and the tornado disappeared. Phillip was there, in no harm as he had surrounded himself with light magic, blocking the spell off.

"Give up?" he asked once more. I pouted and nodded.

"I can never beat you." I muttered.

I mean I already knew I could never since he was the male lead but I couldn't even land a single scratch on his face. I felt a hand on top of my head.

"You did great. Those spells you used were strong." he praised.

This side of him is the side only I see. The side where he was genuine and kind. I felt warm and fuzzy inside every time he showed this side of him. Maybe it's because the head pats he gives are actually very nice and comforting.

"Thanks Phillip." I mumbled, feeling slightly better.

"But don't get your hopes up, you can and will never beat me." he stuck his tongue out at me.

I rolled my eyes as he returned back to his usual side. "Shut it pretty boy when we get into the school I will make sure to beat you."

"We shall wait and see." he laughed.

"Now I'm hungry, let's go eat something."

"You are always hungry, how are you not fat?"

"First of all never say that to a girl, you will never find your lover that way and I exercise you idiot."

"I don't need to find anyone, I'm only going to focus on being a better king and how dare you call the prince an idiot." he pinched my cheek making me hiss in pain before swatting his hand away and punching him in the stomach.

"Yeah yeah keep saying that, sooner or later you will find the one for you."

Phillip didn't say anything after that so I didn't either. We walked back into my house in comfortable silence. When the head maid of the household saw us covered in dust and dirt, she scolded us before forcing us to clean up.

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