98. HAZE

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"If there's anything I could help you with," Alex said getting up, "I'm here."

"Let's do this!" Emily responded.

"Ok, so from what you have told me, only the third and the final piece is left but we don't have much time. We have to find the last piece fast."

Emily nodded. "But we don't know where it could be. It could be anywhere."

"What could be the last place you think the stone could probably be?"

"Well, it was Clyde who last saw the emerald stone."

"Where's Clyde?" Alex asked still looking around for the invisible ghost her eyes couldn't see.

"He's actually right beside you-" Before Emily could finish her sentence, Alex looked both sides and jumped forward quickly and turned around. With no idea where Clyde could be, she asked looking at space where she stood before, "So, um, Clyde? Where did you last see the stone?"

There was a moment of silence - an awkward silence - as Alex continued to stare in space.

"Clyde said that," The voice of Emily from behind Alex made her turn around to face Emily. "he and his best friend Nick took the stone from Nick's old home but the stone disappeared on the third night."


Emily shrugged her shoulders, "We don't know and that's why we are back to where we started."

"Maybe we could look inside the house?" Alex suggested.

"No use, Alex, that house is destroyed."

"Well, what about Nick's old house?"

"No use either. Hannah and John went to search there but the only thing they returned with was Diana's spirit in Hannah's body. But because Clyde and Nick took the stone, that was the reason why Hannah and John couldn't find the stone anywhere there."

Alex pouted her lips a bit as she scratched her chin. "Well, then tell me how did you guys come to know about Nick's old house or the possibility that the third stone could be there?"

"When Clyde led Hannah and John to Nick's house, there Hannah found Nick's diary. Hannah told me that in the diary they came to know about the presence of the third stone in the house. When I was in the hospital, Hannah came to me and asked me about a photograph which they found in Nick's diary. It was a photograph of the house. Last year when my family and I went on a vacation, we spotted a place to rest for a while and clicked photos and some part of this house happened to be in the background. That's how Hannah and John came to know where to go in order to find the house."

"Well, if the house where Nick used to stay got destroyed and Hannah and John found nothing in Nick's old house, then maybe there's only one thing in which we might sort of finding something." Alex took a short pause trying to connect everything Emily told her and said," Nick's diary. Maybe we could find something that can help us with it. Where's the diary now?"

"Maybe in the Jacksons house provided that nothing happened to it or the house."

"That's where we're going then,"

- - - - - - - -

"Ah, the feeling never gets old!" Clyde sounded excited just like every time when Helena teleport them. But it was all new to Alex.

After Helena teleported them all in front of Jackson's house, Alex fought hard to not fall from the dizziness.

"Don't worry," Emily supported Alex by holding her, "you'll get used to it,"

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