44. The Escape

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Where will I go from here? It's a dead end. John thought as he stood at the end of the hallway. There was a wall in front of him. There was a door on his left but it wasn't opening. There was a door on his right but it was George's room. I don't want to go in there again. But I guess I don't have any choice. I have to hide and escape somehow. He turned around to give one last look at the front door. Hannah was nowhere near it. Where did she go? He looked around turning the doorknob. Even though his every gut feeling was a repelling one regarding this room, but it was the only place to go from the dead end.

"Joohhn," The sound of Hannah's singing became closer and closer.

There wasn't any other way. He opened the door and went inside. It was really hard to find a hiding place in the mess but he hid behind the bed, covering his eyes to avoid looking at the dead's black eyes staring right at him and carefully avoiding stepping over the bodies of the birds.

There was a loud bang like a piano being dropped from the 10th floor. It made John jumped a bit and then he wrapped his one hands on his knees and brought his legs closer to his chest.

"I know you're in here, John, come out. Let's play." Her voice began to get scarier.

John put his one hand on his mouth to not let his heavy breaths escape and reach Hannah's ears. He peaked a little, craning his head up from the bed. Hannah's shadow was getting closer to the room. He ducked behind the bed with a jerk.

"John, where will you go from here? It's better if you come -" Suddenly she paused.

Did she see me? I'm doomed now.

"Ah," Hannah said in a pleasuring tone as if she saw something familiar. "George's room... Memories,"

I should've just broken a window and gotten out. Now I'm stuck. Great. There has to be a way out of here though. John looked around him. There were many things near him - pillow feathers, old, torn papers, broken items along with other things which were hard to figure out in the little light what they were.

"John, look, one of my masterpieces is still here."

What is she talking about?

"That surely gave him a scare. Man, you should've looked at his face - full of terror - when he saw the ceiling." Hannah giggled. "And look, dear brother, he even wrote sorry notes all over the walls," Hannah scoffed in disgust. "Like he was really sorry," she said sarcastically. "But you know what made this all a little better?" John could feel that Hannah was getting closer. "that, it was written with his blood. That's right. It was so fun to watch." She let out a breath. "but, did I made him do it?" She clucked her tongue. "Nah, he called that upon himself. Even though he said that many sorries with his blood but whatever they did - do you expect that I would just let them go with their bunch of sorries? All fakers."

C'mon, John, think! You are this close to being your sister's dinner!

" and boy, you should really have seen how I grabbed his head in my hands so hard that I could feel his cranium bones getting crushed under my grip. Did he scream? "

Why did I hide here? There is nothing here. Just a bunch of old and broken things.

"of course he did. But did I stop? Nah, it was so fun to watch him bleed. He was trying everything to break free. Stupid human. He really thought he could free from my grip." Hannah laughed. "It was getting boring, John, you know, so to add a little fun, I threw him at the wall." She paused for a second and John felt her coming closer and closer. "Ah, so the mark's still here."

She's near the cracked wall. She's just a few inches away from you John! C'mon!

"But," Her voice became high pitched. "I guess I threw him a little bit harder at the wall. That poor Nick knocked at the door. I'm sure he was worried about his stupid dad. Now, John, I could open that door and make him see what happens when you mess with me but Nah, I'm not that evil, dear brother. Why should he pay for what his father did?"

So, there is a little good inside you, huh?

"I told him that everything is fine in George's voice and he bought it. So many fascinating things that you can do and so many great powers you have when you're dead. Some use them to protect their loved ones - stupid - but some get revenge - the sweetest and the most satisfying thing ever. Now, dear brother, I'm doing a good deed, you see, they are just paying for their sins." She said nonchalantly.

He could feel Hannah's shadow getting close to the bed. He cannot run from here, it's a wall behind and Diana in front. Now, what will he do?

" I can see your little head, little brother. Come, let's have some fun, well, "Her voice became high pitched again." I'm not sure it' d be fun for you but it sure would be for me to watch you suffer and beg for your life just like a fish taken out from the water. You could've left the stone, little brother, but then again you made a choice not to. Get ready," Hannah let out an evil giggle as she grabbed the edge of the bed with her deadly looking hands one finger at a time.

Everything's over. This is it. But I don't want to die! I cannot die! I started all this and now I have to end it. So many lives are on the line because of me.

He could feel Hannah's breath above him. He searched recklessly around him for something. Was he scared? Yes. Was he terrified? Hell yes. He saw Hannah's head taking shape above him when he felt something long and rod-like under his hands. There was no time to see what it was. He just held it tightly in his hand and threw it at Hannah (Diana).

It worked. Hannah fell back, groaning in pain.

It's time. Now or never.

He got up and ran. Ran past Hannah who was laying on the floor. Unconscious? with a crowbar near her along with the dead corpses of birds around. Even though a part of him wanted to see if she was alright - after all it was his sister and he felt awful for hurting his sister- but he knew if he stops, and if Hannah (Diana) gained consciousness, he surely, without any doubt would invite his own death to him. "I'm sorry, Hannah," Without turning back around, he ran out the door. Where? He didn't know. But locking the door behind him, he ran and ran.

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