6. Left In Confusion

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It had been nearly half a year since grandma Lily's death. After a long period of sadness, the Jackson family would finally experience some happiness today as it was Hannah's birthday.

She was 17 yrs. old now, just a year away after she will be officially an adult and will have her license to drive on her own. Hannah was excited about this and she always teased John as he still has 4 more years to do the same but it'll be 3 after two months as he'll turn 15.

"Everything's ready?" Mr. Jackson whispered to his wife. It was 6 in the morning and the family had planned a surprise for Hannah. She was still in her bed.

"Ooo she'll love it!" Mrs. Jackson exclaimed.

"Why won't she? She had her eyes on this for God knows how long." John said rolling his eyes.

The three of them tiptoed the stairs as they didn't want Hannah to wake up from even the slightest sound. They slowly turned the knob, opened the door, and screamed, "HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYY!"

Hannah turned, threw her blankets, and smiled so wide that you can nearly see all of her teeth when she saw her family standing next to her with presents in their hands and confetti all around.

"Oh, my! Thank you!"

"Open up the presents! I think you'll love it." Mr. Jackson said.

Hannah opened her presents and her jaw almost fell. "I love 'em! The boots I wanted for so long! Thank you so much!" Hannah said as she hugged her parents.

They were white leather boots, of nearly ankle-length, with golden carvings, white faux fur with heels.

"So, where's my present?" Hannah asked her brother looking behind him thinking maybe he was hiding it.

"The boots are from all three of us!"

"Liar! I don't believe you." Hannah narrowed her eyes. " Did you forget my birthday?" She asked in disbelieve.

"Nooo. It's a surprise. You'll see it in the evening."

" Now go, get ready fast, unless you wanna get late for school and miss the opportunity of showing off those boots." Mr. Jackson mocked her.

"Why on earth would I wanna miss that? I'll be downstairs in 1 hour." Hannah said as she thanked everyone again and went to get ready.


"Now, where did he hide it?" Hannah asked herself as she looked everywhere in John's room. She knew he forgot it but she had to make sure so that she could get a chance to tease him if he did.

It was evening and everyone had gathered in the hall for the party.

"Hannah! Everyone's waiting for you!" Mrs. Jackson called her.

"Coming mom!" said Hannah as she looked in the drawers. Suddenly her hands touched something. She took it out and was so enthralled by it that she just kept starring and admiring how beautiful it was. It was the emerald stone.

"So you actually remembered? Good for you." Hannah said to herself as she would talk to John.

She then hurriedly kept the stone where it was when she heard the footsteps approaching her.

"What are you doing in my room?"

"Nothing. Now let's go!" She acted innocently.

Downstairs was a party going on with pink and purple balloons tied together making an arch, banners, cupcakes, drinks & snacks on the table, one and seven shaped balloons, wall decorations that can put anyone in awe, karaoke, fairy lights all through the roof, lighting up the room giving the whole party a magnificent look and more. With a party like this, who wouldn't have a great time and would want to leave? Right?


"Hey! Emily! You would not believe what John got me for my birthday!" Hannah said excitedly to Emily. Emily was her best friend. Both of them knew each other since 3rd grade. Emily's family had to shift to another town for some reason for 2 years but they got back and since then the two of them are inseparable. They were just like two sisters who always have each other's back.

She then told her all about the stone. The more Hannah told her, the more Emily's lack of conviction increased and it reflected on her face.

"You alright Emily?" Hannah asked her looking at her face and holding her hands.

"Yeah. Hey, Hannah, I - "

"Cake's here! C'mon everyone!" Mrs. Jackson said as she brought the cake with her. It was a double-decker black forest with choco chips, sprinkles, and flowers.

"C'mon Emily. It's cake time!"

"Sorry, Hannah. I'm really sorry but I have to go."

"But why?" Hannah asked confused.

"I can't tell you now. But stay away from that stone." Saying this, Emily left Hannah, closing the door behind her.

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