1. All Set To Go

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"Slowly, Hannah! or you'll hurt yourself." Mrs. Jackson said as Hannah - her 16 years old daughter - came hurriedly down the stairs.

"Don't worry, mom!"

"All of this won't be happening," said Mrs. Jackson, "if you would have woken up early!"

"I did wake up early but then...I slept again." Said, Hannah, sticking her tongue out as she giggled. Mrs. Jackson shook her head with a smile as if saying nothing could be done with her daughter.

As Hannah came down the wooden staircase, she went towards the kitchen to grab the beach basket which her mom had packed.

"John! Aren't you ready yet?" Mrs. Jackson called for her son.

"I'm coming, Mom!" yelled John from his room upstairs. "You know, I could've gotten ready early if someone didn't mess up my things." He said looking at his sister who was two years older than him while coming down with a backpack.

"Hey! Don't blame me if you can't keep your room tidy enough to find things fast!" Hannah replied with a smirk.

Suddenly, their dog, Tom barked and began to circle around Hannah. He was a well-groomed Golden Retriever. He was loved by all but he was closest to Hannah. Tom wiggled his tail as he was excited to go to the beach too - run wild on the sand & play in the water.

A few seconds later, the sound of a car's horn came from the driveway. "Is anyone coming or not?" Mr. Jackson yelled from the car waiting impatiently. "What's taking you all so long? Hurry up or we'll lose our spot!"

"Coming Dad!" John replied as Mrs. Jackson locked the door while Hannah and John went towards the car to keep the basket, the chairs, the umbrellas, and everything else they needed in the trunk.

Mrs. Jackson sat in the passenger's seat while John, Hannah, and Tom were in the backseat. "Ready for it?" Mr. Jackson asked while starting up the engine.

You bet!" Hannah and John said in enthusiasm while Tom barked before the ride to the beach began.

Little do they know that this beach trip was going to change their lives forever.

Cursed ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora