66. Differences Of Opinions

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"Are you kidding me?!" Emily looked over John's shoulder who was typing something in a word file on his computer.

"What?" John turned his chair to face her. "Didn't you like my message? It's just a draft."

"Which will stay in the draft. Forever." But John turned his chair to face the screen and his fingers pressed the keys ignoring Emily's words. "Are you really gonna send that for the newspapers?" Emily asked.

"Do you have any other idea? Throughout the entire night or should I say throughout only four hours that were left after we finished up cleaning the house, I was tossing and turning in the bed. It wasn't that I was not feeling tired or want to sleep but the thought of the spell had consumed me. The entire night had passed by but I was lying awake and brainstorming. But I couldn't come up with a plan or a solution. More people are dying. Last night on news they said that two more neighborhoods got affected. We don't know where to begin. Plus, it's not like we have the entire world in our friend lists that we can tell about what is actually happening and how there's a person among them that can break the spell."

Emily listened to every word which came out of John's mouth and let out a sigh." So, you thought, " Emily said," that you'll construct a message addressing the entire world to spread our concerns in order to find a solution?"

John's silence proved that she was on the same page as that of his mind.

"But don't you think it's a little far-fetched?" Emily asked after a brief pause. "I appreciate your thoughts but face the reality, John," she said pulling a chair and sitting beside him. "Think of it this way - we know the seriousness of the situation. We know about the truth in all of this. But the majority of the people reading this will think about this message as just a joke written by two kids. I'm not saying that no one will believe it but they would not think the seriousness of it. Agreed that the spell is spreading and one of them out there can help us, but don't send this message right now. There are many people who don't believe in all these and they would only ignore it thinking we must be playing with them."

John pushed the keyboard away in anger. "What do you expect then? Should we just leave everyone to die even though we know that we can find a solution? Why are you so discouraging and pessimistic? If you don't have anything to say, do not say at all. Leave me alone! I will do it on my own because all you are doing is everything but help." He screamed at Emily.

"Are you even hearing what you're saying? Don't you dare talk to me like that!" She screamed back and John turned his face towards the screen rolling his eyes. "What do you think?" She turned his head with her hands. "Do you think that I don't care at all? She is my best friend! Just like she is your sister, she means something to me too! And do you think that I'm enjoying all these deaths that are piling up? I care but if you don't want to look into reality thinking that everyone will listen to you with this message?" she pushed John's chair and began reading what John had written so far-

"Dear World,
This is serious. This is not a drill. As you know that people are being targeted by deaths with no apparent reason. We know the reason why. It's because an evil spirit named, Diana, had put a cursed spell on the entire town. But don't worry, we know how to break it saving everyone's life. There is a person among you all out there who has the purest of heart, who do their acts without any greed, who is not selfish - in short, who do not have a dark heart. If you know anyone like this, please contact us."

" - and what?" Emily continued after reading the entire draft. "Call you? Text you? Run for your help? It's not as easy as you are making it in your head. Do you even know how many people have their own reasons for this? Alien, zombie apocalypse, Illuminati, and more. And in all that you think that they will believe that a demon cast a cursed spell on the entire town? And that too from the words of a teenager? They will say that you are living in your own fantasy world. There's no solid or physical evidence for this." John looked away and scoffed. "Fine! I was just trying to help." Emily said. "If you wanna follow your own path, go! I don't need you either way." she slammed her hand on the desk.

"Who needs you? I'm the one who initiated the help. I am the one who came up with a plan. I don't care if you think of it as childish but at least I'm making an effort here! I don't expect everyone to join but I know at least some will and that would be better than nothing! "

"And, you think that I was sleeping peacefully as a baby? Don't act so self-centered. I was only helping you. And FYI, I couldn't sleep either. But instead of talking it out or planning or even asking me if I had something in my mind, you just lashed out!"

"Really, and what was your plan? Going door to door and ask for help? Good one." He began clapping his hands. "That would have saved so much time than addressing the mass altogether!"

"See! There's the problem! You don't even listen! Only your opinions matter and only you are right! Do you think that I don't support whatever you are doing? You are thinking so wrong. We are on the same page here, why don't you understand? I just want to suggest some corrections and additions. And instead of sorting it out peacefully, you are walking on a different path."

"So what do you want to say? That my opinions are garbage? Do you have anything good?!

"Did I even say about your ideas being rubbish, John?! "

"And I am walking on a different path? Take a look at yourself, Emily, you are on the road of negativity - with no hope in my plan. If it'd fail, you are to blame. You must have jinxed it."

"Do you even have an idea what you are talking about? Don't act like a narcissist! And you know what? I did have a plan which I was thinking to discuss but now, I'll do it my way!"

"Fine! Do it your way and I'll do it my way!"

Emily stormed out the room slamming the door behind her.

As she was about to walk out of the house, Rose stopped her, "Is everything alright, Emily?"

Emily nodded with a fake smile.

"In just a few hours, we'll be going to the viewing. And if -"

"It's alright, Mrs. Jackson," Emily said in the middle. "I have some work with my mom. I won't be able to make it to the viewing. But may her soul rest in peace." She smiled and walked out.

Rose closed the door and after turning around, she called for her son and her husband. "John! David! Get ready! Mr. Shaw said that everything's ready. "

Cursed ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora