60. A Figure At The Door

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The shrilling sound of screams echoed in the entire neighborhood but it seemed like Jackson's house was standing where it usually stood for the past 15 years, near other houses yet it somehow was isolated from the outside. As the screams reverberated, no one seemed to listen to it. Not even a single house in the neighborhood. It was like everyone was put in a deep sleep - like they were in some other world - with not even a single light turning on in any house or anyone knocking at their door. It was like no one heard anything. It was unusually quiet outside. Or was the Jackson family in a house that was in some kind of a parallel universe where everything was a perfect replica of their neighborhood? Were they inside an illusion all this time? Believing that they were in their neighborhood, on their street, but was it possible that they were in a completely different place which none of them have a clue about?

Suddenly, their doubt broke when they heard Tom barking vigorously outside. They heard the sound of scratching on the door with the nails.
Everyone looked at the door with their breath stuck in their stomach.

Hannah took a slow and deep breath, closing her eyes like she was assessing something. "Someone else is here," She said causing the entire family to go in fright - who else could it be?

With Tom still barking, Hannah told everyone who was sitting around a pale looking David on the couch with his dead sister lying with her eyes crushed and flesh around her blood-covered corpse, a few inches from them, "No one move."

All eyes were still on the door with the scratching sounds which was still coming from the other side. Suddenly, a loud bang on the door caused the family to jolt. It sounded like something stuck on the wood. Whatever it was, it struck again and again till a little crack was made on the door.

Emily, John, Rose, and David, hugged each other tightly. Their entire life was at stake due to the fact that on one side, Diana was levitating in front of them, above the corpse, and on the other hand, someone was trying to get inside - was that help? Or was that another soul-taking devil? Tom was still barking frantically. Did he see someone unearthly?

The sound of something striking the door continued like someone was trying to cut through the door. Suddenly, they could see a little metal sticking inside. More pieces of wood broke as the hole in the door grew bigger and a figure appeared on their doorstep holding an ax.

What weird was that as the figure was slowly stepping inside, Hannah was slowly moving back. The fact that no one knew who that was at the door, who just broke it with his ax, made the atmosphere tenser.

The figure took a leap through the door to get inside keeping its foot in the house. As the figure slowly made its way towards the light, the face of the figure becomes more familiar.

All took a little breath of relief as they recognized the figure to be that of Father Murphy with Tom behind him.

"Ah, Father Murphy," Hannah said in a warm tone keeping a little distance, "Welcome,"

Father Murphy looked around to see Rose, David, John, and Emily sitting frightened on the couch and a little mutilated corpse of Petunia on the floor.

"You missed the show, Father," Hannah said looking down on Father who was looking at the dead body. "If you were a little bit early, you could have the privilege to see my work in person."

Father Murphy looked up. "Diana," He whispered.

When the family heard Father saying her name, only one question raced through their minds, how did Father know Diana's name?

"I see you have returned,"

Hannah smirked.

"Leave this family alone, now!" Father screamed.

"Save your screams, Father." Hannah plugged her ear with her thumb. "You'll never know when you'll need them,"

"I demand you to leave this family, right now! You have done enough." He said without even a single shake in his voice.

"Oh, I'm just getting started, Father." She said slowly coming down. "This was just a warm-up. And besides, she died because she tried to cheat and go against my words." Hannah came eye to eye with Father. "And, who else knows better than to not cross me than you," She scoffed and smiled ear to ear. "Remember?"

It was like the strong and courageous Father suddenly became weak to his knees. But why? It was like the firm determination that sounded in his voice earlier suddenly became shaky and meek. But what was the reason? Did Father encounter Diana in the past too? And if so, what happened back then which suddenly switched Father from a state of being fearless even when standing in front of the demon to the edge of giving up?

"Good thing you still haven't forgotten those days," Hannah said getting lost in her memories. "Those were some fun times!"

"Stop it!" Father somehow gathered his strength but his voice was still shaking.

"No one can ever forget your sinister and evil deeds. I thought that back then you have gone forever for good but, -"

"See, that's the problem of your stupid species," Hannah said circling around him. "You jump to conclusion too soon. Everyone thought that they succeed in getting rid of me - that the town was safe again, but," Hannah began laughing. "It was so much fun to fool you, and you all fell for that! You call yourself a Father?" Hannah scoffed still laughing, "No amount of Fathers or Priests can chase me away,"

"It was my mistake," Father said slowly placing his hands inside his pocket. "that I wasn't aware of what you could be capable of. You were much stronger than any demon any Father or Priest had ever encountered."

"Aww, thanks, Father," Hannah said in a chilling voice, "If you are preparing yourself to fight against me - again, just like you tried and failed, you would be so wrong! I'm much more powerful than before. It'd be my pleasure to make you shake your hands with your demise.

"Thanks for the heads up, Diana." Father Murphy said, slowly taking his hands out of his pocket. "But it's time for you to leave! Go away!"

Screaming his last words, he took out a small bottle and sprinkled the water all over Hannah. "Leave this house!" Father yelled as he continued to sprinkle holy water as Hannah began to slowly move away.

"Don't think that it's all over! I'll be back soon!" Saying this, Hannah flew away disappearing in space.

"Father Murphy!" John exclaimed after Hannah was gone, "Thank you so much for rescuing us,"

Father Murphy smiled, "I haven't rescued anyone yet, son. It was just a temporary diversion. She will be back."

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