41. George

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"Can you tell us how it happened?" John continued.

But the planchette stood still on the old board.

"It's ok if you don't want to tell us that," Hannah said. "but there was a kid named Nick, who used to live with his father in this house many years ago. Do you know anything about that?"

The planchette moved to 'y'.

"Do you happen to know him?" Hannah hoped that it does know and it did as the lens showed 'y' in the flashlight.

"Was he in some way related to you?" John asked.

To their surprise, it moved to 'y'.

"Can you tell us who were you to him?" Hannah spelled the word out loud, "F-A-T-H-E-R, so, you're Nick's dad?"

It moved to 'y'.

Good! Now we can know where the third piece of the stone is. It was with him the last time before he dropped it when he and Nick moved out of this house. Hannah thought but something about this whole thing seemed kinda off to her. Maybe it was just her fear about using the spirit board to communicate with the dead or maybe it was something else.

"I know you might be thinking of us as trespassers," John said. "But we needed some answers that we know lies in your house. Can you help us?"

John smiled a bit as he saw the planchette moving to 'y'.

"You see, we're looking for an emerald-colored stone which we know was last seen in this house. Do you know anything about that?"

"W-H-Y," John read out loud. "Why? As in why are we asking you this question? Well...we can't tell you that but just know that it is super important and we would be grateful if you tell us. It would save many lives."

The planchette continued to move, first to D, then to R, then A, then W, then E, and then R.

"Drawer?" Hannah asked confused. "Which drawer? Is it in this room?"

It moved to 'y'.

They both looked around and saw a little table on their left a few meters away.

"Should I check?" John asked Hannah and was about to get up when Hannah stopped him.

"No! Don't you know you should never lift your fingers off of the planchette or leave while playing with the Ouija board?" Her voice had a bit of both concern and a warning tone.

The planchette began to move again. They both looked at the lens as it spelled - G-O.

"See," John began. "It's ok, Hannah. George said it. Don't worry. I'll make it quick."

But Hannah was still worried. Something was still bothering her. The rules clearly say that one should never mean never ever leave without saying goodbye. "I don't think it's a good idea to leave, John."

The planchette again moved to the two alphabets several times as if it was stuck in a loop.









"Hannah, George said it's in the drawer. It has to be in it. And once we get that stone we can leave."

Hannah was still hesitant but said nothing and watched her brother lifting off his fingers and leave. Hannah was still having an uneasy feeling. And then it hit her. According to Nick's diary entry, the stone fell on the floor when his father, George became conscious, so why did George tell us to look in the drawer? Did he put it in there before they left?

Hannah was having a bad hunch. So, while John was walking towards the drawer, she asked George's spirit, "Father Williams told us that you and Nick left suddenly and he wanted to tell you how much the people around here had missed you. They all had hoped that you would get good people wherever you went to. Did you and Nick find a good place?"

John looked back at Hannah like what are you asking him? But Hannah ignored him and focussed on the board.

The planchette moved to 'y'.

"He had also hoped that the weather was good. Was it?"

John again gave her the look while placing his hands on the web covered knob. Somehow Hannah knew what she was doing.

The planchette didn't move for a few seconds but then went to 'y'.

Her hunch was slowly turning into a ball of clarity.

"Hannah, the drawer is jammed," John said as he began pushing it towards himself with a great force.

Hannah didn't look at him. She continued, "I know you may think I'm asking useless questions to you or playing games with you to trouble you. It's not the case though. We're really thankful to you for helping us. Right, John?"


"Just one last question," Hannah paused for a bit, "do you know any person named Clyde?"

"There's nothing in here," came the sound of John from behind her. "There's no stone or anything. It's empty." John came back to where they were sitting, placed his fingers on the planchette and asked in a rather disappointed voice, "Why did -"

It moved to 'n'.

"No? I haven't even -"

"It was my reply." Hannah looked John in his eyes as she moved the planchette to 'Goodbye' and said it out loud.

"Why did you just do that? Why did you say goodbye?"

"John, we need to get out of here, NOW! It wasn't George! It was someone else all alone who was pretending to be him."

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