chapter 1

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Harry had just finished his 5th year at Hogwarts and had just watched his  only loving family member die, Sirius Black. So you can imagine that harry wasn't in the mood to deal with the Dursleys right now and exspelly since they hate him because of the dementore attack that happened last year. Harry, not wanting to be in more trouble by wasting the Dursley's time, quickly and quietly said goodbye to his friends before getting off the platform.

He sighs when he noticed Vernon standing next to the car. Harry slowly walks over to him pulling his trunk with him.  "put your stupid trunk in the boot freak then get in the car" Vernon said with  slight venom in his voice but also surprisingly happiness for some reason.  'why is he happy? I thought he'd only be happy when he gets rid of me forever' harry thought, confused, as he puts his trunk in the boot and quickly gets in the car.  He puts his seatbelt on and looks out of the window as Vernon begins to drive away from the station.

After about an hour, He realised they were no where near Private Drive or on the way to private Drive. He nervously  looks  at patunia and quietly asks "Aunt Patunia? Where are we going? this isn't the way to private Drive".   Patunia sighs then looks at harry "We aren't going to private Drive. We are going to the airport ".  Harry's eyes widen in confusion. He wasn't normally allowed to go on Holiday so why was they taking him to the airport with them.

Dudley must have seen his confusion because he burst out laughing. "you aren't going on holiday. We are dropping you off with you rich daddy then going on Holiday" he said while laughing. That  made harry even more confused. His dads dead. He doesn't have a 'rich daddy' like dudley put it. "but my dad is dead" he said really confused. 

"your fake dad is dead. but that stupid James Potter isn't your dad."  Vernon said with venom in his voice again. Harry frowns..James Potter wasn't his dad? but he had to be. who else would be his dad.  "w-what do you mean?  of course James Potter  is my dad. who else would be?". Patunia sighs before getting a book well more like a diary out of her bag and throwing it at harry.  "Its all in there. its Lily's diary. it explains who lily went  to America while her and potter was on a break. How she spent  a couple of night with a billionaire named Bruce Wayne in his bed. how you were conceived. how you are Bruce Wayne's son. how she got back with potter and never told anyone about who your real dad is". 

Harry's eyes widen in shock. His dad wasn't James Potter. He wasn't a potter. His mum cheated on  his da---on James. 'Who is Bruce Wayne anyway?' he thought to himself as they pull up to the airport

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