Preference 59 :)

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How would the mercs react if someone broke in!!

I feel bad for the poor bastard who tries breaking into the mercs homes lmao

Also, I think I'm gon start calling you guys 'babes'. It's gender neutral (I think) and it's got that sexy/friendly vibe ya kno? So I officially dub y'all babe ahaha

Alright babes let's go!

WARNINGS: maybe a lil violence, but not too bad 👉👈

Some loud thuds from the kitchen woke you two up. Scout got up and grabbed his bat, trying to calm you down convince you it's probably nothing. You follow him out to the kitchen, where Scout came face first with an intruder.

He definitely let out a very manly buff guy scream and swung his bat as hard as he could; effectively knocking the guy unconscious. He called one of his friends from work (some kind of doctor) to pick the intruder up.

He said he was going to stay up for the rest of the night to guard the house, but he immediately fell asleep once he climbed into bed.

Someone broke a window rather loudly. Sniper immediately bolted up and grabbed his kukri. He told you to stay in bed while he went to check out the noise.

You got scared when you heard some tumbling, so you went to go see what happened. You saw Sniper standing over the man with some suspicious red stains on his knife.

"Now darlin', I asked ya to wait in bed. Don't worry, we're all good here. Go to bed roo, I'll be there in a minute, I promise."

He then proceeded to burry the guy in the back yard.

Spy is quite the light sleeper, so when he heard some worrisome creeks in the house, he was up and away to check on them. You honestly didn't know what was happening until he came back and accidentally woke you.

He casually mentioned the two intruders and that he already took care of them, so there's no need to make a fuss. You saw him cleaning blood off his knife, and just said "fuck it" and went back to sleep.

You had to punch Soldier to get him to wake up. When you told him their was an intruder, he immediately jumped out of bed and grabbed his shotgun.

You heard Soldier make some comments about 'those sneaky commie bastards!' while he searched for the man. You knew Soldier found the burglar when he shouted, "GO TO HELL HIPPIE!" Followed by the crack of a gunshot.

He ran back to your room excitedly and told you he found another head for his collection! He also said he found two more ears for your necklace. Awwwee

The intruder came in through the living room. It was pitch black, until he saw the flicker of a flame on the other side of the room. As he approached it, the light quickly went out.

It was soon replaced with a much larger flame, that gave him a clear view of a man in a flame retardant suit.

You didn't even know there was an intruder until you saw the scorch marks on the floor the next day.

Engineer didn't really understand what was happening when you shook him awake. He wasn't on full alert when you told him someone broke in, so he just mumbled something and grabbed his gun from the closet.

He aimlessly walked around the house yawning and rubbing his eyes until he bumped into the intruder. Engineer was too startled to do anything besides punch the guy as hard as he could.

It was effective though, because he punched the intruder with the gunslinger, which effectively knocked him out. Engineer decided to deal with the guy in the morning and set up a mini sentry in the hall in case more people come (or the guy wakes up).

You both were drunk out of your minds when someone broke in. Demo sluggishly took an empty bottle of Scrumpy and searched the house for the intruder.

When Demo found him, he started yelling at the man and charged at him with full speed. The guy collapsed before Demo could even land a hit.

You dumped the guy in the neighbors yard and passed out as soon as you got in bed.

Some stupid guy got dared to sneak into "that shady building at the edge of town". The man didn't want to steal anything, he just wanted to look around. But unfortunately, he ran into Medic.

The doctor quickly knocked him unconscious, and put his head in fridge dedicated to "dumb people who have the unfortunate event of meeting me", as Medic likes to put it.

Heavy came back to the living room after eating a sandvich, and saw a random guy looting his house.

Heavy started walking over to him slowly and spoke in Russian. The guy immediately shit his pants as soon as he saw Heavy. The intruder dropped all the stuff and practically threw himself out of the window he came through. And Heavy never saw the man again.

This is kinda rushed because it's been like a week of no update ahahah

I also noticed how much I curse, because I had to edit out like 2837399282 "fucks".

And sorry abt the rant yesterday, I was rlly mad. But now I'm awkward because I'm not good at expressing emotions or dealing with emotions after outbursts like that hahaha

Anyways, I hope y'all liked the chapter! Requests are unfortunately closed rn! 🥺

TF2 Imagines 🗿Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora