Preference 20 :)

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What he does when he misses you 🥺

Stolen from-

Requested by Pyrosnowflake461 !


It's been raining basically non stop all day, and I am not used to this weather lol


Scout will do anything to get you off his mind. He'll even work out with soldier, which is literally the worst thing he could do to himself.

He acts like a puppy who's human left for the day; he'll do everything and anything imaginable, and when you come home, he's all over you. ;)

He will get very grumpy with everyone. No one is spared from his short answers and rude replies, but he usually apologizes if he feels bad.

He tends to go to nature when you leave, and stays there until you get back, or until he needs supplies (because he forgot to buy toilet paper). When you come home, he's back to his laid-back and happy self.

Spy gets much more sarcastic and rude. He'll reply to questions with mean comebacks, or give you a stare that will send shivers down anyone's spine.

He gets like this because he worries about you, and it drives him mad. He's made a lot of enemies, so he's always anxious when you stay out for too long.

When you come back, he tries to play it cool, and act like he didn't care that much. But deep down, you both know he's grateful you're back.

Soldier will get very, very aggressive. He'll pick fights with anyone who is suspected of being a communist. Sometimes, he'll even force Scout to work out with him, and make him go through the worst training of his life.

But when you get back, all he does is shower you with sweet nothings for the rest of the day. He'll take a break from being a tough army man and just hold you for the whole day. :)

Engineer gets very sad when he misses you. He'll mope around all day, and sometimes he'll even close down the shop.

He will tinker with something, or play a few songs on his guitar to get you out of his head; but it rarely works. When you finally return though, he loves to cook you up a great big meal and talk about your time away.

When you leave, pyro gets very upset. But then he thinks, why not follow you? Almost 100% of the time, pyro follows you where ever you go.

To work, to the store, anywhere. It's gets annoying sometimes, but it's usually super fun for the both of you.

Liquor all around! Demo gets absolutely wasted when he misses you. He drinks to forget that he misses you, but it only makes it worse. He ends up sobbing about how much he loves you, among other things.

When you get back, he goes back to his usual happy and rowdy self. But he makes sure you know just how much he loves you, and enjoys holding you close.

Medic gets absolutely depressed. I mean, not literally, but the longer you're gone, the more sad he gets. He won't run his usual experiments, he shuts himself in his lab, and whenever someone comes in for something, he starts sobbing.


When you come back though, he is all over you. He will hug you, and kiss you and keep you close. If someone comes in, he throws some medicine at them and tells them to stop being such a baby. Because nobody is as important to him as you!

Heavy worries about you. He's able to keep his head for a while, because he knows how strong and independent you are. But after some time, he worries that you've been hurt, or worse.

When you come back, he's all smiles and cuddles! He tells you how much he missed you, and doesn't mind cooking you a nice meal.

Oh god I had a lot of trouble with this one, but I think it turned out nice! I absolutely loved this idea, and writing these makes me sad that I'm not in a relationship lmaoo

If you have any requests or writing tips then feel free to comment them! I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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