Preference 10 :)

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This is my first request!! I was so happy to receive this lol

Before this I was kinda following a story line, but now it's just anything you guys request or I make up.

Requested by Pyrosnowflake461 !

This is how he reacts to becoming a dad ❤️

When you told Scout he was going to be a dad, he was over moon! But then he got really nervous. He started freaking out, saying he didn't know how to be a good dad.

He was scared his kid wouldn't like him, saying, "My Dad wasn't there for me, so what if I disappoint my own kid?"

It took you several minutes to calm him down. You finally convinced him that there is no such thing as a good father, just one that tries his best. After that, we was back to his happy self, peppering you with kisses and already thinking of ridiculous names.

When you told him in the middle of the night, he didn't really react. He just pulled you closer and said, "That's great, love."

There was silence for a few seconds before he jumps up and says, "WHAT?"

His outburst made you giggle, but he was sitting there, dumbfounded. He asked you if you were sure, to which you said yes. He started laughing from amazement and kept whispering, "I'm gunna be a dad...!"

It's safe to say that he was happy.

When you told spy, he froze. He didn't know how to react, other than asking if you were positive. When you said yes, his eyes widened.

He excused himself for a quick smoke. He left for 4 hours. When he came back, he apologized profusely. He admitted to already having another child with a different woman, and said the thought of having another kid frightened him.

You were angry at him for keeping this secret, but you comforted him, saying he would be a good father. After some discussion about his other child, he finally decided to make amends. This lifted a great weight from his shoulders, which only added to excitement for having another chance as a father.

Soldier went crazy. With joy, I mean. He was shouting about how he would protect his child from communist and everything else.

You were glad to see him taking the news so well. He was so happy in fact, he lifted you up and spun you around. He quickly stopped though, and bent down to your stomach to apologize to the baby. You found this very adorable.

He wanted to name his child America, but you absolutely refused. But hey, it's the thought that counts, right?


Heh... he didn't actually say that, sadly. But he was still very ecstatic about the news. He pulled you close and kissed you, carful to not squeeze you too hard.

He clear the rest of his busy day just to stay in and cuddle with you. He couldn't stop touching you stomach and smiling. You two spent the rest of the day in a good mood, relaxing with each other and thinking of baby names.

Pyro was.. shocked. He never imagined himself as a father, so when he heard the news, he didn't really know how to respond.

But the more he thought about it, the more happy he became. He threw off his mask and gave you a deep kiss. He then convinced you to drive him to the book store so he could get a book on parenting.

Demo kinda freaked out. He was happy, of course, but he never thought of himself as a father one day. He said, "Who would want a drunken cyclops for a dad?!"

It took a while for him to calm down. After you finally manage to calm him, it finally sinks in all the way for him.

"I'm going to be a father..", he thought. This made him smile from ear to ear and completely forget about the breakdown he had only a minute ago.

"IM GOING TO BE A DAAAAD!" He picked you up bridal style and ran around the house, still screaming about becoming a father.

You actually ask Medic to run some tests, because you were not feeling well at all. But you had completely ruled out pregnancy until he asked when your last period was. Crap.

When you told him you haven't got it for at least 2 months, he looked shocked. He quickly preformed an ultrasound (why he had the materials, no one knows).

The test revealed that you were in fact, pregnant! With twins, might I add. Medic was surprised. He started laughing with delight and kissed you deeply. He was genuinely excited, and said, "I've always wanted twins!"

You were surprised when heavy started laughing hysterically when you told him. He was still laughing until he picked you up and kissed you lightly.

You were confused by his unusual behavior. When he set you down, he was practically glowing. He started asking you all these questions, like, "how long have you known?" Or, "Does it hurt if I touch you stomach?

It was really cute seeing a big tough Russian mercenary get all giddy and excited like that.

SO HOW WAS IT? This is my first request, so hopefully it was good lol.

I'll probably expand on this idea, so if I didn't include everything, it's because I'm going to stretch it out into other chapters.

If you have any requests or writing tips then feel free to comment! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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