Preference 46 :)

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I have decided where I'm going, but before I say, I would like to thank everyone who recommended places!! I didn't reply to any comments but I read them all so thank you!!

I have decided to visit..... LONDON! I'm going to try and convince my mom to take me to London, and from there go by train to other countries/places!

That's such a weird concept to me tho, because all the countries and places are so close, but it takes like 6 hours to drive to Nevada from my home lmao



Cute things they do subconsciously 🥺

I've gotten quite a few requests lately, and I've decided to put little fillers in between them because writing requests feels more like a chore than a hobby (even tho they are all great, like I don't understand)

WARNINGS: none 😘


Scout is always humming a tune. It could be a catchy commercial jingle, the latest hit or something he heard 10 years ago. If for some reason he can't hum, he'll tap his feet and bang his fingers to make a rhythm.

Sometimes you'll start humming it too and you two will start having a mini dance party wherever and whenever.

Whenever Sniper is working, he always talks to himself. He usually just makes sarcastic remarks, or goes through a list of errands.

You think it's adorable when you find him saying things like, "I need more bread and some sugar- *BANG* oh and I need to get cookies for Y/N - *BANG*. I should probably call mum again, haven't spoken to her in a while. *BANG BANG*"

Spy just randomly whips out his knife and starts messing around with it. He'll twirl it, study it, do super cool tricks and he'll even threaten Scout- *Ahem*

It puts most people on edge, but you've gotten used to it by now (it's kinda hot too). It's not unusual to see him take out his knife to start twirling it between his fingers while reading Dapper Cadaver or whatever that fancy magazine is called.

Soldier is always moving something. Whether it be tapping his foot, snapping his fingers, etc. When he catches himself, he immediately stops and scolds himself for not being a proper soldier.

It's always in vain though, because he usually forgets about the whole thing 2 minutes later and starts moving. And so begins a new cycle.

Whenever Engie gets super focused on something, he always sticks his tongue out of the corner of his mouth. It is absolutely ADORABLE!

Whenever you mention it, Engineer just blushes and chuckles. MMM CUTIE PIE

Pyro plays mini games while he walks. Sometimes he'll only step on colored floor squares, or he can't step on any cracks, or the floor is lava, etc.

Whenever you notice him doing this, you'll join on the game. Sometimes Pyro gets upset that you're winning and he'll try to sabotage you.

This guy ALWAYS tells jokes under his breath. If he ever has the chance to make a dad joke, or a pun, or anything, you bet your bucks he'll take it!

It's hilarious to be talking to someone and you hear Demo mutter, "That's what she said" under his breath. It's cute to see him all flustered when you laugh and he realized you heard his joke. And you know Demo laughs very hard at his own jokes.

Medic often tugs his hair when he's working at a desk. It's a sign that shows he bored or stressed, so you always walk up to him and comfort him.

You sometimes joke and tell him if he wanted someone to pull his hair, he could have just asked you. 😳 This always leads to sex, so win win.

Despite being a huge guy, Heavy is pretty quiet when it comes to walking around. You would have no idea he's even there until he makes it known. This has led to some... accidents.

By accidents, I mean Heavy accidentally snuck up on you once and startled you so much you screamed and hit him in the face with a pan. Luckily, he got no serious injuries!

I'm trying to hook my friend on TF2 so wish me luck lmao

Also, I'm single as fuck, so if any guys wanna date, I'm your gal

Ahaha I'm just kidding


Requests are open so give them to me!! Hope you enjoyed the chapter 😘

TF2 Imagines 🗿Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang