Preference 45 :)

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I'd like to introduce you all to my OC! If you'd like to meet Anita, then just hop over to my message board and click on the link!

I was going to link it here, but it's not working so just go check it out over there!

REMINDER! She is still a WIP so advise and constructive criticism is welcomed!

I've also started an Instagram account for some reason (just because I was bored), so give me a follow! The user is:
@ not_a_writer_tm

It's a little empty rn, because I'm still cleaning it out, once I get it up and running, it's going to be very cool 👍

What happens when the mercs run into your doppelgänger??

Let me just say this; Y'all come up with the most creative and craziest requests 😂 I absolutely love it! A big Thanks to every who reads and supports these little chapters 🥺❤️

WARNINGS: Nada mis amigos!

It was the middle of winter, and snow covered the park like a blanket. You two had decided it would be fun to take a walk and possibly start a snowball fight. You did eventually start playing a hide and seek/snowball fight game!

Scout was the seeker, so he had an arm full of snowballs ready to be thrown! After a good 5 minutes of searching, he was about to give up... but then he spotted you! He saw you walking towards his direction on the main path; like an idiot!

He stifled a laugh as he quickly advanced closer to you. When we was a good throwing distance away, he shouted, "FOUND YOU!" And threw a snowball right at your face!

... but something was wrong... Were you wearing a pink sweater? As the lady wiped off the snow from her face, to Scouts horror, that lady was not you. The real you had come running from you original hiding spot to see what happened.

The lady spotted Scout and started yelling, threatening to call the police. You and Scout looked at each other and then bolted in the other direction; laughing the whole way.

You two had gone to the store to buy some supplies for a camping trip. You split up to find your items faster. Sniper had finished gathering all his items and started looking for you.

He finally spotted you browsing one of the isles. He smiled, walked up behind you, and hugged you. He whispered, "Let's hurry this up and get out of here, yeah?"

The next thing he knew, you stomped on his foot and shoved him backwards. Sniper was more shocked than anything, but when he looked up from the floor, he was horrified. The woman was most definitely not you.

Mortified, he quickly apologized several times and quickly gathered the items that fell out of his basket. Hearing all the commotion from the next isle, you walked over to sneak a peek at the scene.

When you saw your man and the lady, you burst into laughter and jogged up to them. You apologized to the lady and explained to her what probably happened. You all shared a laugh (Snipers laugh was the most awkward one) and went your separate ways. He couldn't stop thinking about it for the rest of the day.

You two were sitting at a fancy bar during one of your date nights. Spy excused himself to go to the restroom.

After a few minutes, he had returned and noticed you weren't in the same seat. He quickly scanned the room and saw you standing with a few extra people who he assumed were friends.

He walked up to the group, wrapped his arm around your waist and kissed you on the cheek. "Mon amour, who are these people?"

When everyone stayed silent, staring at him in shock, he knew something was wrong. He looked back at you a realized it wasn't even the real you. DUN DUN DUUUUN!!

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