Preference 27 :) *SPECIAL?*

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I use the word *SPECIAL* because this isn't a request, and it's mostly just a filler chapter until I give and actual request-update :)
Rainy days! 😩

It has been raining on and off for a while in California, so that's what inspired me to write this lol.

I'm definitely not used to this cold weather, so send me you prayers lmaoo (and fuzzy socks)

Rainy days include............

• making lots of hot chocolate
• playing hide-and-seek
• never being able to find scout
he was hiding on top of the fridge
saying "screw it!" and going outside into the rain
• him starting a mud fight
• you both end up sick the next day

• drinking lots of coffee
• wearing pajamas all day
• TV binge and cuddles
• many naps while listening to the radio :)
• driving to the store to get snacks
• sniper accidentally stepping in a huge puddle
• him grumpily complaining about wet socks

• you both absolutely refusing to go outside
• drinking and smoking by the fire in his smoking room
• cuddles, listening to the radio and the rain outside
• him insisting on a dance
• him being the best god damn dance parter
• just swaying with each other after the first dance
most definitely leads to something more heated-

• him refusing to let you go outside because it's cold
• you both dressing in warm pajamas and cuddling
• watching trashy shows on TV
• Soldier getting mad at the reality TV shows
• him running to the store because you wanted some snacks
• you smack him for running in the rain, then kiss him because you love him :)

• closing down the shop
• wearing fuzzy robes all day
• you both tinkering on stuff in the workshop/garage
• him building a heater for the both of you
• you both baking a bunch of treats
• eating all the treats
• falling asleep while cuddling:)

• building a fort
• making lots of hot chocolate and eating desserts
• so. Many. Blankets
• lighting up the fire place
• Playing many board games
• pyro "accidentally" setting the board game on fire when he's losing

• wondering why he was Scrumpy for literally every occasion
• watching TV before you guy get too drunk
• getting very drunk
• playing the card game Go-Fish
• him rage quitting Go-Fish
• passing out holding each other close :)

• not letting you go outside because you could get sick
• making tea and eating pastries
• long naps
• wearing pajamas all day
• watching movies from Germany
• warm cuddles in bed
• not paying attention to the movie and doing something more interesting;)

• makes you tea and sandviches
• acts like any normal day
• for some reason though, he likes to cuddle and snuggle more than usual
• give you many unexpected (yet very welcomed) kisses and hugs
• binging on pastries
• reading and cuddling together :)
• falling asleep to the sound of the rain
Writing this makes me want to throw up—- it's so bad lmao

I've also been think about starting an Instagram for this book! Like I don't expect many followers or anything, but I just want a place to post art and memes and stuff. Maybe even spoilers for the next chapter lol. I'm kinda on the fence tho, because I don't know who most of the art work belongs to and I'm afraid people will trash me if I don't give credit lmao

I have a few more cute ideas, but I'm going to finish all the requests before I start those lol. Maybe they'll be filler chapters.... who knows!

If you have any requests or writing tips then feel free to comment them! I hope you enjoyed the chapter *SPECIAL?*! 😘

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