22- Hospital

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Hinata Shouyo

Beep, Beep.
As I fluttered my eyes open, I could see a white monitor.
Bright lights,
I noticed it was a hospital room.

I quickly sat up,
The pain stung me through my whole back.

I looked around the room and looked at my wrists,
There was a slim tube connected to my wrist with a bandage on top.

I could see cut marks on my skin.
I could feel my face heat up,
I wanted to go out.

I got off of the bed, slowly taking off the bandage on my wrist and taking off the tube,
I couldn't hear the beeping anymore.

I looked at the monitor, the screen was black.
I slowly made my way out,
I was wearing patient clothes.

I walked out the door, limping.
I looked at the sign next to the door, trying to memorize which room I was in.

Oh right. I was probably inside my father's hospital right now.

I looked around me, an empty hallway.

It was colored golden, with carpeted floor, which was unusual.
In order to work better, it's better there is not supposed to be carpeted floor next to the rooms.
At least, that's what my father says- said.

I walked, using the wall as help.

I saw two doors.
One was a double steel door, the elevator,
The other was a door which had a sign,
"Incase of emergency, USE STAIRS!"

I went to the double steel door, pressing the "V" button.
The two doors opened.

I walked inside and pressed the "2" button. The "1" is to the basement.

I could feel the elevator drop.

It said.

I walked out of it.

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