13- Nishinoya

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Nishinoya Yuū (I think)

"Shortass!" A girl called out to me.
I looked down, in despair.

A group of two boys came up to me, I realized who they were. Liam and Lee, my two bullies.

"Hey shortie. How long have you grown?" One of them teased.
I kept looking down.
"Answer me, bitch." One of them kicked me a bit.

Both of them had their hand in their pockets.

"You're a third year and you're THAT small! Be ashamed. Bitch." Lee said giving me a glare that made my head shoot up.

As soon as I looked up, I got hit, slapped in the face.
It sting so much it'd leave marks.

I ran off, to the bathroom I go.
Liam called out
Lee finished.

They both burst out laughing.
The others around me were either staring in pity, were laughing and amused or simply didn't care.

I ran into the bathroom, barged into the toilet stall and closed the toilet seat and sat on it, crying my eyes out.
"WHY ME! WHY!" I screamed and cried,
I knew my eyes were puffy and red, I knew I couldn't go out there or somebody would see me.
I was about to scream again when someone opened the door,

"Is somebody there?" I heard a familiar voice.
I stood silent, I didn't want to worry the poor boy. I didn't want anyone to know about my problems.

I heard a sigh and heard the door close, then I heard footsteps and a stall door open and close.

I peeked down a bit, with no dirty or sexual intentions and saw two shoes on the ground, facing a toilet.

I then heard throwing up sounds.
What's happening?
Why is Hinata throwing up?
Did he eat anything bad?

There was a moment of silence before the sounds began again.
The sounds stopped and I heard gasping noises.
I heard a flushing noise and footsteps and a sink turn on.
I peeked out a bit and I saw a sight.
Something wrong.
Something off.
Something... scary.

It was Hinata.
He'd look so pale,
He had bruises on his face,
Skinny, you could see his face bones.
He looked lifeless.
But, I didn't see his face clearly enough.

"F*ck..." I heard.
I couldn't believe my ears.
THAT happy and pure energetic Hinata would curse?
He'd throw up?
He'd... be so pale and bones.
He'd have such bruises?
He'd look so lifeless...?

I saw his grab something out of his bag.
I peeked down to check what he was doing more, suddenly I almost fell down but gasped, which startled the orange-head making him stop.

"Whose there....?" He said as he cautiously walked over to the stall where I am at.

I reply with silence, I see Hinata sigh and walk over to the side of the mirror where I can't see him, but I crouched off of the toilet and looked up the door, he was putting on makeup,
His skin that was purple (bruises) turned skin colored.
He put makeup on his eyelids and eyebags.

(He put makeup to conceal and hide his tired eyes and bruises, he looked natural with makeup.)

He did one final look in the mirror.
He walked away as I quickly opened the stall door, gasping in the sight I had seen.

A living corpse, somebody I knew and cared for... no... somebody I thought I knew and I did care for.

"What are you hiding? Hinata?" I say to myself.

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