chapter one. crush

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Hope Mikaelson was known for being badass tribrid who does whatever the fuck whenever the fuck she wants.

She was a legend nearly everyone she had met, they all wondered how she lived a normal life as one of the most powerful beings on the planet.

The answer would shock them because right now she's sitting in Java Jones right across from Simon Lewis who was tapping his spoons on the edge of his cup nervously who probably hasn't taken his anxiety meds and she hasn't taken hers so they can't be in the same room right now.

They'll probably kill each other or she'll probably kill him.

"I will take that spoon and carve out your eyes if you don't stop," Hope says clearly annoyed by the boy's actions. He doesn't seem shocked at her words.

"I'm just nervous, okay?" his voice goes higher then he'd like and she snickers. "You know Clary is a good artist. Just calm down a little," Hope explains. Soon Clary walks, a frown on her freckled face.

"Give me the professor's names. I'll destroy them," Simon speaks up.

"With a scathing email to the Dean", he adds when Hope laughs at him. "Don't bother." Clary says handing him a letter.

"Congratulations Clary. Common Fray W," Hope says hugging her friend.

"Thank you, thank you very much. This day is going down as the greatest eighteenth birthday I've ever had," Clary says with a smile.

"Sadly this will be the only eighteenth birthday you'll ever have," Hope adds.

"And that's why we're celebrating. Yes, with Maureen, after our show," Simon says looking at the girls. "Ooh," Hope says with a smile.

"So what's the deal with you and Maureen?" Clary asks looking at the boy.

"What deal? There's no deal. We just sing together." Simon explains.

"You seriously don't know she has a crush on you?" Clary asks as Hope laughs.

"What? No" Simon says looking at the three. "Yes, she does. How are you so smart and yet so dumb at the same time?" Hope asks with a laugh.

"I'm not the only smart dumb person to make that mistake," Simon says with a laugh. "Wait. Where's my biscotti?" Clary asks looking down.

"You had a biscotti?" Hope questions.

"I'm pretty sure I had one." Clary says as Hope nods.

"Just take mine. I don't want it." Hope says handing her biscotti to the redhead. "Let's make a toast. To Clary" Simon speaks up.

"L'chaim," the group says at the same time raising their cups.

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