chapter eight. wardrobe change

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Hope lights her cigarette as she heads out of Simon's van, putting her lighter in her top. "Another wardrobe change?" Jace asks when she stands next to him, smoke blowing out of her nose.

"I always keep another outfit in Si's van just in case of an emergency. I don't even smoke, I just keep those in his van too," she tosses nearly the entire cigarette onto the ground, grinding it doen with the heel of her boot.

"Hope! Are we going in with Clary?" Simon calls as she and Jace walk back up to the group. "You can't, you'll get killed the second you walk in there. Actually no wait, you can go ahead," Alec puts on his best smile and Hope can tell it makes him sick to smile at Simon, even if it's fake.

"Fuck you," Simon smiles back at him as Hope pats his shoulder.

"And Hope can still go in," he turns to her and she shakes her head, a few blonde strands of hair fall in her face.

"I can't go in, I'm the daugther of the devil, not really but everyone legit hates my dad," she laughs, wrapping an arm around her annoying friend.

"Buffy can go with you. He knows Hope will beat his ass if he lets Clary get hurt," Simon spares Jace a glance as he rolls his eyes and starts heading over to Clary.

When he stands next to her, her eyes fall on her friends who give her a thumbs up.

"Does she really need that? Be a big girl, Clarissa," Alec pats Clary's shoulder and she grabs his hand, flipping him onto the ground, her boot pressing on his neck.

"He's right, keep your blonde boy toy, I think I can do this," she smiles and Izzy lets out a laugh.

"When did Clary get hot?" Izzy asks as Clary pulls Alec back onto her feet.

"Now just stay here and don't let anything happen to Hope or Simon," with that she disappears into the night.

"My little girl is all grown up," Hope puts her hand on her chest.

"You're supposed to put it on your heart not on your boob, you boob," Alec looks over at Hope who gives him a salute.

"Dude, can I just go lay down on the van, annoying Aelc is getting exhausting," Simon pulls himself off Hope, who pulls Jace by his arm.

"Go with him, make sure nothing gets to him," she looks up at him and he looks over at Simon. "Please," she adds, kissing his cheek as he groans.

"Fine, come on dickwad," Jace pulls away from Hope as him and Simon head back to the van.

"Aren't they cute, I'm gonna check the perimeter," Alec walks away and Hope moves over to stand with Izzy.

"He's gonna check the perimeter? What a dark and mysterious little man," she looks over to where Alec had just left.

"He tries," Izzy smiles, looking over at Hope who looks up at the moon. "Did you teach Clary to fight?" Izzy asks and Hope turns to her, smiling with a nod.

"We have weekly training sessions, you should join, we do stuff like this," Hope swings for Izzy who ducks with a laugh as her hair falls in her fair.

"What about Simon?" She swings at Hope who grabs her fist, pulling Izzy closer.

"He's a gentle idiot but I'll beat him up until he becomes tough. Sometimes pain is the purest form of love," Hope grabs Izzy's arm, tossing her against the closest tree, her back slamming against it.

"Oh shit, did I hurt you?" Hope heads over to Izzy who grabs her arm and flips her down on the ground, leaning down, pressing her knee to Hope's arm, a small smirk at her lips.

"Guys, do you remember Valentine? Well, just found out he's my sperm donor? Isn't that crazy? Let's get some donuts," Clary says when she walks out of the cave as Alec walks back to the group.

"What did the inbred ginger say?" He asks, a frown coming onto his face.

"Lol, guess who just lost Simon," Jace walks up to the group, Hope's head turning to him.

"Yay, isn't this fun?" She talks for herself.

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