chapter three. buffy

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Hope grunts as she feels herself being shaken awake. "Fuck off," she says resting her head in her pillow. "Wake up!" A voice yells as Hope opens her eyes before tackling the person to the ground.

"What do you want?" Hope asks as she pushes Simon to the ground. "You're really strong," Simon says as Hope gets up before pulling him up.

"Why are you here-" She reaches for her phone or checks the time, "Nine pm?" she asks sitting down on her bed.

"Why are you in bed at nine pm?"

"Cause I'm a grown up and we go to bed early. Now what do you want?"

"Help me look for Clary. She's been gone for two days," Simon explains and Hope realises she had been missing something for two days now.

"Okay. Let's go," Hope says getting up. "Aren't you forgetting something?" Simon asks as Hope sighs as she picks up her phone again. "Oh yeah my shoes. I'm so stupid sometimes." Hope says before putting on her shoes.

"Let's go," Hope says running her fingers through her hair before the two track Clary with Find My Friend.

They finally reach the location to see the Institute. "Of course this is where we end up. Call Clary," Hope says before sitting down on the steps. After he finishes the call he starts pacing as Hope lays back looking at the stars.

"Why can't they see you?" Clary asks as Hope turns to see Clary and the blonde from the club.

"You again," she says getting up. "What are you wearing Clary?" Simon asks handing Clary his jacket but she doesn't take it.

"It is an ugly jacket," Hope says getting up.

"Clary Fairchild," A voice says as Hope and Jace look at the man. He walks up to them but before he reaches Clary, Hope kicks him to the ground, her foot meeting his face as a drop of his blood stains her black Converse.

"This is for my father," Jace says before stabbing the man.

"What's going on?" Simon asks confused. "Is he dead?" Clary asks looking at the man.

"Buffy over here just stabbed him so probably," Hope says pointing at the blonde, shrugging a bit.

"My name is Jace," he says as she rolls her eyes. "Okay, princess," she says with a smirk.

"Oh my God! Is he dead?!" Simon asks as the body becomes visible to him.

"We have to call Luke," he adds. "We can't call Luke," Clary says looking at the boy.

"You should probably deglamour so that Simon doesn't think we're crazy," Hope says before Jace deglamorizes.

"Although I'm pretty sure he already thinks I'm crazy." she whispers to herself.

"What's happening?" Simon asks looking at three.

"We don't have time, Mundie," Jace says looking at Simon, clearly annoyed by the boy. "Hey! Only I get to bully Simon," Hope says looking at Jace.

"Sorry, " he says raising his hands in defeat.

"Who is this guy anyway?" Simon asks pointing at Jace. "He's Jace," Hope speaks up. "We have to go. We have to find your mom," Jace says looking at Clary.

"Hope and I can help you," Simon says as Hope raises her hands in defeat. "I think we should go with the shadowhunter," Hope says as Simon flips her off.

"Come on, Fray," Simon says holding his hand out for Clary as Jace does this same thing.

"Time to choose," Hope says stepping on a step and rest her head on Clary's shoulder.

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