chapter twenty four. alec is getting married

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Hope stands between Clary and Maureen, feet practically nailed to the ground. She couldn't move, her hands were stuck at her sides, eyes stuck on what was happening ahead of her. They were burying Simon.

"Hope, can I talk to you?" Jace spoke, he didn't flinch when he saw her so that was good. "Not right now." She rested a hand on his arm when red blazed in front of her and Camille stood there in front of her, dressed in red.

"What are you doing here?" Clary stepped in front of Hope, Maureen stepped in front of her. "I'm here to get my property."

"Simon doesn't belong to you!" Hope pushed past both girls.

"If you'll just hand him over, I'll be on my way." The thought of doing that made Hope's stomach drop. "You heard Hope, you're not laying a hand on him." Jace had his seraph blade out, holding it towards the vampire.

"Fine, I tried to do this the nice way." With a snap of her fingers, Camille's minions surrounded them. "How many of you are there?" Hope counted roughly. "Thirty of you against five of us." She guessed. "And still not enough."

"I'm glad you brought everyone here to witness your demise." Raphael stepped ahead of Hope, gave her a look that spoke louder than words ever could. A look that pleaded for her to give his people a chance.

"Camille killed this mundane." He spoke and Hope stood back, hitting against Jace. She doesn't move, he doesn't either.

"She's been breaking the accords for too long."

"Are you trying to over throw me?"

"I already have." The vampires turned against Camille.

"We can fix this, we can get rid of the evidence. This mundane means nothing." Before Hope or Clary could say or do anything, Maureen's fist collides with the woman's jaw.

Camille tries to attack but Hope blocks her path as the vampires attack her. Hope smiles as she turns to her friend and she and Clary attack her in a hug.

"You're such a badass." Clary linked their arms, all three girls walking away. They reached Simon's grave, stood over it as the moon lit up the patch of dirt where he was buried.

"When he wakes up." Clary pauses. "We should get cake, for your mom, like we do every year." She turned to Hope, the blonde nods, a smile gracing her lips even when tears pricked her eyes. They hugged her. They stood there for a while, Hope letting them hold her up.

"Hope!" Jace calls when a hand sticks out of the dirt, Simon. Hope grabbed his hand, pulled him out of the ground. He was dirty, his teeth were fangs and his eyes were delicate to the moonlight.

"Come on, Simon." She took Jace's blade, with one swift move she slit open her wrist and held it to his mouth. His teeth sunk into her arm, her blood wet on his mouth when he drank. When he had his fill, he fell down and Hope stared at the marks on her arm as she pulled him to her.

"What's happening?" He spat out blood and rested his head on her chest.

He seemed to regain memory, staring at her arm as he felt his mouth. He spat out more blood, sick at the thought. "Hey, rude." Hope remarked, smiling at him. He wasn't dead and at this moment she forgot why that wasn't a good thing.

"You died." Clary spoke.

"Am i- am I a vampire? Tell me this isn't real! I'm repulsive!" He jumped away from Hope as she watched, her wound healing in front of her eyes.

"No! You are the same Simon! You're the same person." Maureen declared but he was already on his feet. "I'm not! I'm nothing more than a monster!" He ran and a pit grew in Hope's stomach.

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