chapter thirteen. mom sweets

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Hope arrives at Magnus Bane's place early enough to help Clary draw a pentagram on the floor.

"Maureen and I have a few ideas but we spent the entire time just eating mom sweets." Hope explained, wiping red chalk dust off her fingers.

Clary already filled her in on the plan, they had to summon a memory demon to get her memory fragments back which didn't seem too hard.

"What are mom sweets?" Alec walked through the door, the others following after him.

"They're the sweets your mom buys and hoards in her closet for like ten years. Did your moms not do that?" Clary asked and Hope shoved her a little.

"Shadowhunters aren't close with their mommies." Alec stands on one of the ends of the pentagram.

"Alec does look like someone who's never had their mother hug them." Clary turned to Hope who put her on one of the other corners.

"We're gonna stand here and not talk." She puts her finger on her mouth and Clary nods. Hope goes to her corner, standing between Jace and Clary with Alec next to Magnus.

"I guess I'll have to stand this one out." Izzy stood at the door and Magnus held up his hands.

"Hold hands boys and girls." He held up his hands, Jace took one and Alec took the other. Next to Jace, Hope grabbed ahold his hand before taking Clary's into her own. Clary tuned and Alec was next to her as the group looked at them.

"No," they said in unison.

"Don't be babies. Just old hands, you're not gonna get fucking cooties." Hope moved her leg to try to kick the two before they looked at each other and grabbed one another's hand.

"Make this quick." He turned to Magnus.

"First time I've heard that."

Magnus starts with his spell, wind blowing through the room. They all hold onto each other tighter, a dark smoke forming between them. The demon screeches at Magnus.

"The demon asks us to give a memory of a loved one!" Magnus shouts over the demon's noise.

Before Hope can do anything, it feels like her body is being pulled into the air, her head falling back and a vision of a raven haired woman sitting on the edge of Hope's bed, smiling at her. Hope falls down, lands on her knees.

Clary is next, she thinks of her mum. It's Alec's turn and the memory is of Jace.

"No, the demon deceived me!" Alec tries to pull away, his hand slips from Clary's and the demon gets loose, grabs ahold of Jace. Clary grabs her blade, lunges at the demon and Jace falls towards Hope. She puts him down on the ground and he's still, frighteningly still.

When the demon is gone, they all surround Hope and Jace as he rests his head on her lap.

"Is he gonna be okay?" Clary asked softly.

"I don't know, does he normally just lay like that?" Magnus looked down and Hope pokes the boy in the face with her nail. She pokes him again and after a few times his eyes open.

"Who are you?" His voice is scratchy when they all look at him.

"Is this normal? What happened?" Izzy asked, she looked at Magnus and he sat down next to the two. Jace looked bewildered before Hope grabbed his face and made him look at her.

"Stop fucking around, Wayland." His confusion wiped away. "You're so boring." He got up and they all scoffed.

Of course it was a joke.

"What did I miss?"

𝑇𝑟𝑖𝑏𝑟𝑖𝑑, 𝑆ℎ𝑎𝑑𝑜𝑤ℎ𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora